- Up Arrow Nudge Object Down 物体虚线框下移
- Up Arrow Big Nudge Object Down 物体虚线框加速下移
- Right Arrow Nudge Object Up 物体虚线框上移
- To move or "nudge" the shape in very small increments, hold down CTRL while you press the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW keys. 若要以非常小的增量移动或“微移”形状,请在按住Ctrl的同时按向上键、向下键、向右键或向左键。
- Down Arrow Big Nudge Object Left 物体虚线框加速左移
- The UP ARROW key will send the ball bouncing up! 上行箭头键将派球弹跳起来!
- Press DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW to select the keyboard shortcut that you want to remove, and then press SPACEBAR. 按向下键或向上键选择要删除的键盘快捷键,然后按空格键。
- Press the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW keys to move the shape in the direction that you want. 按向上键、向下键、向右键或向左键,沿所需方向移动形状。
- To view the description of the previous event or the next event, press the UP ARROW key or the DOWN ARROW key. 为了查看上一个或下一个事件的表述,按上箭头或下箭头键。
- Click the Up arrow to move the selected filter up in the list. 单击上箭头可在列表中向上移动所选的筛选器。
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to highlight Safe Mode, and then press ENTER. 使用向上键和向下键突出显示“安全模式”,然后按Enter。
- UP ARROW -- Sc_oll backward through a document one line at a time. 截至箭--通过一个文件卷轴落后于一线的时刻.
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to move among entries in the Bookmarks window. 使用向上键和向下键在“书签”窗口中的各项间移动。
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select the setup option that you want, and then press ENTER. 使用向上键和向下键选择所需的安装选项,然后按Enter。
- Left Arrow Big Nudge Object Right 物体虚线框加速右移
- Use the UP ARROW and the DOWN ARROW keys to select Safe Mode with Command Prompt, and then press ENTER. 使用向上键和向下键选择“带命令行提示的安全模式”,然后按Enter。
- Use the UP ARROW key and the DOWN ARROW key to select the e-mail address you want, and then press ENTER. 您可以使用向上键和向下键来选择所需的电子邮件地址,然后按Enter。
- DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW selects the next or previous command when a menu or submenu is open. 当菜单或子菜单处于打开状态时,按向下键或向上键可选择下一个或上一个命令。
- Press the SHIFT key and hold it while you press the UP ARROW key or the DOWN ARROW key to select the additional elements that you want. 按住Shift键后按向上键或向下键选择所需的其他元素。
- Without giving it a second thought, Cronos grabs the pedestal, tearing out much of the cliff side along with it, and drops the inanimate object down his mouth. 克洛诺斯低头审视这个祭品,虽然看上去觉得可疑,但他并为作过多思考,就把襁褓连同祭坛一起扔进嘴里。