- Uhm Jung Hwa 严正花,来自韩国的音乐人
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Music of Beijing Zhi Hwa Temple Vol. 北京智化寺音乐。
- Oh, uhm...speaking of peripherals... 哦,嗯...谈谈周边设备...
- Uhm, I think that's right. :) lol, message me back. 您好周梁淑怡,我劳拉,来自美国,是的,我们也有家庭作业。
- Jung Jun-Ho is a famous actor in Korea. 郑俊浩是韩国著名男演员。
- Jung did not consider himself insane. 容格并不认为自己有精神病。
- Dein Herz erreichen, solange bist Du jung. 那麽,你总能保持年轻。
- But Jung surprised a lot of people. 但是,钟接手雅芳后,却向众人展示了奇迹。
- Yoon Jung Hee: A musical actress? haha! 尹晶喜:歌剧女演员?哈哈.
- Jung Hoon jumped in from nowhere! 桢勋不知道从哪儿跳了出来!
- E. Hwa Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. Eden Bio Wallpaper Co., Ltd. 韩国爱登墙纸有限公司
- To backdate a bit, Hwa Chong Night concluded last Saturday night. 傍晚时分,我们又聚集在一起捞鱼生、吃年糕,果然有过新年的样子!
- Jung Your individual shit is an archetype of the collective shit. 荣格:你的个体大便是集体大便的原型。
- Of course, the challenge for Jung now is to keep up the pace. 当然,钟现在所面临的挑战是继续保持发展势头。
- Jung worked at a breakneck pace to execute her plan. 钟废寝忘食地工作以实施其计划。
- To reward her efforts, Avon's board recently made Jung chairman. 为了奖励钟所付出的努力,雅芳董事会最近决定任命她为董事会主席。
- TV Actor Uhm Tae-woong is set to captivate the hearts of Japanese fans. 电视演员严泰雄即将捕获日本影迷的心。
- Of course,the challenge for Jung now is to keep up the pace. 当然,钟现在所面临的挑战是继续保持发展势头。