- Uganda Woodland Warbler n. 林地柳莺
- European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage. 有暗黄色羽毛的欧洲森林地区的莺。
- Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler n. 黄喉柳莺
- He lived in a solitary woodland. 他住在一个人迹罕至的林区里。
- To the rear of the house is a piece of woodland. 在房子后面是一块林地。
- Mrs.Boulton's Woodland Warbler n. 博尔顿氏柳莺
- Red-faced Woodland Warbler n. 红脸柳莺
- A song or call characteristic of a woodland bird. 林中鸟叫声林地鸟独特的叫声或歌声
- Brown Woodland Warbler n. 褐林地柳莺
- Black-capped Woodland Warbler n. 黑顶柳莺
- Voice From FLOSS: Help the poor children in Uganda! 来自自由软件世界的声音:救救乌干达的可怜儿童!
- Uganda achieved its independence in 1962. 乌干达于1962年独立。
- He spent the morning rambling woodland paths. 他一上午在林间小径漫步。
- Landlocked Uganda and Rwanda are being hurt. 内陆的乌干达和卢旺达都被这个所伤害。
- Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on income from woodland. 财政法中的一览表,在此表中列出对林地收入的征税。
- In Uganda Ms Counihan went for the false positives. 在乌干达,康尼汉女士主攻的是假阳性问题。
- Smoking is forbidden in the woodland. 林区禁止吸烟。
- Bantu-speaking people of western central Uganda. 居住在乌干达中西部,操班图语的民族。
- But the warbler Decision: Silkworm won! 但黄莺裁决:蚕赢了!
- The warbler has a white throat and underparts. 那种莺的喉部和身体下部为白色。