- UHF检波信号 enveloped UHF PD signals
- 检波信号 rectified signal
- 被检波信号 detected signal
- 已检波信号 detected signal
- 模拟信号 analog signals
- 脉冲信号 pulse signal
- 求救信号 weft
- 板极检波 plate detection
- 信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing
- 包络检波 envelope detection
- 红灯用作危险信号。 A red lamp is used as a danger signal.
- 比较检波 comparison detection
- 传真信号 facsimile signal
- 报警信号 alerting signal
- 红灯是警告停止行进的信号。 The red light is a warning sign for stop.
- 她的辩解是说她没看见信号。 Her plea was that she did not see the signal.
- 清晰度,分解力接收到电视传播图象或广播信号的清晰程度 The degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received.
- 利用辐射UHF信号反演局部放电脉冲电流 Partial Discharge Pulse Current Estimation from Its UHF Signal
- 我得将信号传达给船长。 I had to pass the signals to the skipper.
- 遵守车速规定和交通信号 observance of speed limits and traffic lights