- 新型U形管换热器的结构特点及工业应用 Structural characteristics and industrial application of new U-tube heat exchanger
- U形管换热器开裂原因分析 Cracking cause analysis of the U shaped tube heat exchangers.
- 自紧式密封在U形管换热器上的应用 Application of self-tight sealing in U-tube heat exchangers
- U形管换热器 U-tube heat exchanger
- U形管地埋换热器 U-tube heat exchanger
- U形管式换热器管板的优化设计 Optimization Design of U-tube Heat Exchanger Tube Sheet
- 分离式热管换热器的工作原理及其在电厂余热回收中的应用 Working Principle of a Separation-type Heat-Pipe Heat Exchanger and Its Use in the Heat Recovery System of a Power Plant
- U形换热器 U-shape underground heat exchanger
- 埋管换热器 borehole heat exchanger
- 析湿工况下亲水层对波纹翅片管换热器空气侧特性的影响分析 Effect of hydrophilic coating on airside performance of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions
- 垂直U形换热器 vertical U-shape heat exchanger
- 带亲水层条缝型翅片管换热器析湿工况空气侧换热与压降特性 Airside Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Slit Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers under Dehumidifying Conditions
- 地埋管换热器 ground heat exchanger
- 热管换热器实验 Heat pipe heat exchanger experiment
- 地下埋管换热器 geothermal heat exchanger
- 垂直埋管换热器 ground heat exchanger
- 高温热管换热器 high temperature heat pipe heat exehanger
- U形管式换热器换热管的弯制工艺 Technoloyg of bending the heat exchange tubes for heat exchangers with U-shaped tubes
- 环形热管换热器 loop heat pipe
- 重力热管换热器 Gravity Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger