- 台 your
- 时装模特儿轮番登上T台作时装表演 The mannequins appeared on the catwalk by turns for a dress parade
- 规则4:在T台开球时,手机响起,会有伤大雅,大败其兴,所以请关掉手机或调成振动。 Rule4: a cell phone goes off during a player's teeing on the tee-off area will discourage his great interest and performance. Then keep the cell phone power-off or on vibrate.
- 港台 Hong Kong and Taiwan
- 台帐 machine account
- 吧台 bar counter
- 收银台 the cashier's
- 台车 trolley
- 音乐台 bandstand
- 天台 balcony
- 凸台 lug boss
- 总台 window ledge
- 台板 bedplate
- 化妆台 dresser
- 台架 jack horse
- 调音台 sound mixing desk
- 台头 heading
- T台 catwalk
- 一台电视机 a TV set
- 餐台 dining-table