- T优8086 T You 8086
- T优15 T You 15
- T优597 T You 597
- T优7889 Tyou 7889
- 高产、稳产、抗病杂交水稻新组合T优551的选育及利用 Breeding and Utilization of a New Hybrid Rice T-you 551 with High and Stable Yield and Resistance to Rice Blast
- 优盘 flash disk
- U盘/优盘 USB drive
- 优属 give preferential treatment to the families of the armymen and martyrs
- 腹地优地槽 hinterland eugeosyncline
- 优黄素 euflavine
- 迭代最优法 iterative optimizing technique
- 次优距离 Sub-optimal distance
- 最优基因型 Superior genotype
- 优性服务因素 Superior Service Factors
- 后法胜(优)于前法 lex posterior derogat priori
- 生产线最优编制 line balancing
- 工程投标最优报价的确定 Determination of Optimum Price Quotation in a Competitive Engineering Bidding
- 供应链中最优价格契约的制定 Determination of Optimal Price Contract in the Supply Chain
- 射流泵喉管最优长度的数值计算 Numerical calculation of optimal length of throat pipe in jet pump
- 电力市场环境下最优备用容量的确定 Determination of Optimal Reserve Capacity in Electricity Market Environment