- Tun/Tap设备 Tun/Tap device
- 那船装有雷达设备。 The ship was provided with radar equipment.
- 登山者用最新的设备装备起来。 The mountain climbers were outfitted with the latest equipment.
- 房屋卫生设备 sanitary fittings in a house
- 暖器设备 a heating installation
- 他们招标承办一套新的暖气设备。 They put out for tenders for a new central heating system.
- 他们已在船上安装了无线电设备。 They have installed wireless apparatus on board.
- 我们需要添置一些办公室的设备。 We need some more office fittings.
- 这间厨房拥有一切现代化设备。 The kitchen has all the modern conveniences.
- 蒸馏设备 distillation equipment (plant)
- 我们演播室的音响设备装好了没有? Has our studio been wired for sound yet?
- 家用录像设备 home video equipment
- 电子人通过机械或电子设备的帮助或者控制而有一定生理过程的人 A human being who has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices.
- 你是否能把你的闪光设备也拿来?我的坏了。 Could you also get your flash-attachment? Mine is broken.
- 隐藏式照明设备 recessed lighting fixtures
- 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。 The equipment is lashed up and ready to go.
- 一些资本家拚命利用现有设备增加利润。 Some capitalists squeeze profits from existing machinery.
- 显示器是微机必需的输出设备。 The monitor is an essential output device of a microcomputer.
- 被自动化设备顶替掉的工人 workers replaced by automated equipment
- 这个屋顶装有防火设备。 The roof has been fireproofed.