- Trichophyton inguinale 股毛癣菌
- Figure 19. Lipoma of the inguinal canal. 图19,腹股沟管脂肪瘤。
- Of inguinal lymph node enlargement medication control method? 腹股沟淋巴结肿大的药物治疗控制方法?
- Granuloma inguinale is a bacterial infection transmitted by sexual contact. 热带腹股沟肉芽肿是一种由性接触传播的细菌性传染病。
- Purpose: To probe into the method of surgical of BPH with inguinal hernia. 目的:探讨前列腺增生症合并腹股沟疝一次性手术方法。
- Another common location for it is the inguinal area and spermatic cord. 其他常见部位包括腹股沟区和精索。
- Inguinal herniorrhaphy is the most common general surgical operation performed. 腹股沟疝气是一般外科医师最常遇见的手术。
- The superficial inguinal ring is a defect in the external oblique aponeurosis. 腹股沟内环是股血管前面腹横筋膜的缺损,位于腹壁下动脉外侧,腹股沟韧带上方。
- Objective:To investigate the treatment of operation of the inguinal hernias. 目的探讨腹股沟疝的手术治疗。
- Cultural growth was identified as Trichophyton mentagrophytes,diagnosed as kerion with tinea corporis. 根据培养镜下形态和鉴别试验鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。诊断为脓癣伴体癣。
- There were 5 inguinal, 4 pleural, 2 subcutaneous and 1 pen-catheter leakages. 发生透析液渗漏的病人中有5例鼠蹊部渗漏,4例肋膜积水,2例皮下组织渗漏和1例导管出口旁渗漏。
- Objective :To study the histological and ultrastructural pathology of granuloma inguinale(GI). 目的 :探讨腹股沟肉芽肿的组织结构和超微结构病变特征。
- Purpose:To probe into the method of surgical of BPH with inguinal hernia. 目的:探讨前列腺增生症合并腹股沟疝一次性手术方法。
- The symptoms of granuloma inguinale are similar to those of some other STDs (chancroid, syphilis). 热带腹股沟肉芽肿的症状与某些其他性传播疾病(软性下疳、梅毒)的症状相似。
- A 35-day-old male infant was scheduled for bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy. 摘要一个三十五天大的幼儿接受二沟腹股沟疝气门诊手术。
- Dermatophytes which produced an infection to laboratory animal are mainly Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum and Microsporum canis. 引起实验动物皮肤真菌病的病原菌主要是须毛癣菌(Trichonphyton mentagrophyton),石膏样小孢子菌(Microsporum gypseum),犬小孢子菌(Microsporum canis)。
- Isolated pathogens included 29 (80.6%) strains of Microsporum canis and 7 (19.4%) strains of Trichophyton mentagrophyte. 结果 : 36例患者按要求完成试验 ;病原菌包括犬小孢子菌 2 9株 (80 .;6%25 );须癣毛癣菌 7株 (19
- Donovanosis, also known as Granuloma Inguinale, is a bacterial disease that has reached endemic proportions in many underdeveloped regions. 什么是'肉芽肿腹股沟-类型的性传播疾病造成生殖器溃疡'?
- A chronic skin infection, usually of the scalp, caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton and characterized by the development of thick, yellow crusts over the hair follicles. 黄癣一种慢性皮肤传染病,通常发生在头皮,由发癣菌属的细菌引起,特点是发囊上形成厚而黄的硬皮
- "Thriving in the warm, moist environment created by shoes and socks, this fungus [Trichophyton mentagrophytes] is a common cause of athlete's foot. “真菌在鞋袜营造的温暖而潮湿的环境中繁殖兴旺,这种真菌(须毛癣菌)正是造成脚癣最常见的一个原因。”