- Translation studies approaches 研究方法
- Abstract: The paper differentiates two approaches to translation studies, the empirical and the transcendental, and argues for the latter as the way to theorizing translation. 摘要:本文区分翻译研究中经验和先验两种进路,并认定后者方能通向翻译理论。
- Functionalist approach to translation has opened up a new perspective to translation studies. 根据功能派翻译理论,该文作者认为广告翻译中应赋予译者充分的自由以发挥其创造性。
- How Do Postcolonial Theories Inspire Translation Studies in China? 后殖民理论对我国翻译研究的启示?
- And 1980s sees the greatest achievement in translation studies, the"cultural turn"noticed by Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere, then, the apparent distinction between cultural and linguistic approaches to translation studies has disappeared. 直至1980年,翻译研究经历了历史剧变,苏珊·巴斯内特和安德烈·勒菲弗尔正式提出翻译研究的“文化转向”,之后翻译研究不再明确区分文化研究法和语言学研究法。
- Itama Even-Zohar's Polysystem theory places social symbols in an interrelated polysystem, thus enables Translation Studies to discover a descriptive, target-oriented, functional and systemic approach. Itama Even-Zohar的“多元系统”理论将社会符号置于相互影响的多元系统中,且一个系统的行为模式有时与其在多元系统中的位置有关,由此对翻译研究开辟了一条描述性、面向译语系统的、功能主义和系统性的新途径。 自此以后,西方译学研究从理论阐述向文本描写转移。
- With the interdisciplinary approaches into translation study, translation criticism developed from arbitrary analysis to logical analysis, from experience to science. 随着翻译研究多学科理论思路的介入,翻译批评也从感性走向理性,从经验走向科学。
- As feminism develops and translation studies has taken the cultural turn, they are inevitably influenced by each other. 摘要女性主义和翻译研究都成功地向文化这个大方向转型之后,两者必然会相互影响。
- A case study approach has been employed for this research. 这个研究采用了案例研究的方法。
- Scientific translation studies should also cover the translation process (Baker, 2000). 科学的方法应该也对翻译过程,即极其复杂的斟酌与决策的推理过程加以剖析(Baker,2000)。
- Shuttleworth, Mark and Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies [M]. [1997] 2004. 刘宓庆;翻译与语言哲学[M].;北京:中国对外翻译出版公司;2001
- Skopostheorie put forward by German Functionalist School offers a new perspective for translation studies. 德国功能学派的翻译目的论为翻译研究开启了全新的视角。
- By shedding light on translation studies, deconstruction, at the same time, has brought about negative effects. 人们在关注解构主义给翻译研究带来新的活力的同时,也应关注解构主义对翻译活动的负面效应。
- Holmes,J.Translated!Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies[C].Amsterdam:Rodopi,1988. 蔡新乐.;从德里达的翻译思想看理性主义的翻译理论建构[J]
- Postcolonial translation studies is completely different from traditional ones for the involvement of ideology. 后殖民语境下的翻译研究因意识形态的介入和传统的翻译研究相去甚远。
- Simulation results illustrate the advantage of the proposed multi-product code FEC scheme over previously studied approaches. 还提出了一个率失真优化的信源??信道联合编码的码率配置方案,仿真结果显示出该方案在提高接收端视频质量方面的优势。
- Their student Ernst-August Gutt applied it to translation studies and got an encouraging result. 随后,Wilson的学生Gutt最早把这一理论运用于翻译研究中,并取得突破性的进展。
- This paper presents a new study approach of direct quantitative measurement of WEU. 本文为网站易用性直接定量测度研究提供全新的思路与方法。
- Viewed from the perspective of postcolonial translation studies, it is no more a purely aesthetic or linguistic act. 后殖民翻译研究视野中的翻译不再是纯美学的或纯语言学的行为。
- Shuttleworth,M,et al.1997.Dictionary of Translation Studies[Z].Manchester:St Jerome Publishing. 方梦之.;译学辞典[Z]