- Transit-Stub网络 Transit-stub network
- 网络 network
- 网络连接 network connections
- 网络设置 network settings
- 网络技术 network technology
- 电脑网络 Internet
- 计算机网络 computer network
- 飞蓝使用TRADOS,SDLX,TRANSIT等国际主流工具来管理翻译成果以及保证术语的一致性。 We use state-of-the-art tools such as TRADOS, SDLX and TRANSIT to facilitate translation management and ensure glossary consistency.
- 神经网络 NN
- 快速公交(Bus Rapid Transit,BRT)系统近年引起了国内外的广泛关注,并得到了快速的发展。 With the fast development of bus rapid transit (BRT), many cities give their attention to it from home and abroad recent years.
- 网络设备 network equipment
- 目的分析脉搏波传导时间变异性(pulse transit time variability,PTTV),研究PTTV的生理意义。 Objective To analyse pulse transit time variability (PTTV) in frequency domain and to study the physiological interpretation of PTTV. Methods Pulse transit time (PTT) was obtained by ECG and PPG (photoplethysmography) from 187 subjects.
- 网络中心 hub
- 网络科技 network technology
- 网络驱动器 network drive
- 网络管理 network management
- 网络管理员 network administrator
- 网络游戏 online game
- 网络应用 network application
- 无线网络 wireless network