- α-phenylacrylic acid 阿托酸
- β-phenylacrylic acid 肉桂酸
- Trans-β-phenylacrylic Acid 肉桂酸, 反β-苯丙烯酸
- trans-11-其轭业油酸 trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
- No Trans bus Messages(无变速箱母线资讯) No Trans bus Messages
- 在OA环境下TRANS-NET微机局部网络的功能开发及命令扩充 The Function Development and Added Command for Trans-net Local Area Network
- 发酵24 h,CLA产量最大,生成的产物主要为cis-,trans-9,11-CLA。 Fermentation for 24 h, CLA production was themaximum. Results showed that the majority of CLA in resultants was cis-,trans-9,ll-CLA.
- 然而这个试验灵性差,缺乏专一性,不能给出具有一些trans-环氧化物的精确的定量结果。 The test, however, has poor sensitivity, lacks specificity; and does not provide an accurate quantitative result with some trans-epoxides.
- Trans-4-methoxy-2-trimethylsiloxy-penta-1,3-diene与醛及活化酮的不对称HDA反应研究 Studies on Asymmetric Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction of Trans-4-methoxy-2-trimethylsiloxy-penta-1,3-diene with Aldehydes and Activated Ketones
- 报道了一种有机染料Trans 4 [p carbazol 9 ylstyryl] ] N methylpyridiniumiodide的线性和非线性光学性质。 The linear and nonlinear optical properties of an new organic dye, Tra ns-4-[p-carbazol-9-ylstyryl]Thelinearandnonlinearopticalpropertiesofanneworganicdye,Trans 4 [p carbazol 9 ylstyryl] ] N methylpyridiniumiodide(CSPI) ,arereported .
- 年龄制约是跨代设计(Trans-generalion Design)和全寿命设计(Life-Span Design,或译终身设计)考虑的主要目标。 The age restriction is Trans-generation Design and Life-Span Design consideration essential target.
- ~1H及~(13)C谱表明,DPPC与AAP在CDCl_3中作用时,铂结合在DPPC的头部并引起DPPC分子中gauche向trans的构象转变。 1H and 13C spectra show that in CDCl3, as the result of DPPC-AAP reaction, the platinum binds to the head group of DPPC and induced a gauche to trans transformation in the glycerol moiety.
- 摘要本文研究了Fe(CO)_5与all-trans-CDT(Cyclododecantrine)的热反应,分离得到了一种高产率的all-trans-CDT配合物,此配合物通过IR. By the heat reaction of Fe(CO)_5 With all-trans-CDT, a new kind of iron CDT Complex, Fe (CDT)(CO)_3. Was isolated.
- 目的对经尿道前列腺电切术(trans urethral resection of prostate,TURP)后发生膀胱颈挛缩(bladder neck contracture,BNC)的原因进行分析,提出预防措施。 Objective To investigate the causes of bladder neck contracture(BNC) after transurethral resection of prostate.
- 含氯有机物在不同的还原体系中会生成不同的还原产物,六氯乙烷在Ag/Fe体系中主要还原产物为PCE、TCE、trans-DCE和cis-DCE,而在Pd/Fe还原体系中则主要为乙烷。 Reduction products of chlorinated hydrocarbons are different if they with different reductive system, for example, the main products of HCA are PCE, TCE, trans-DCE and cis-DCE with Ag/Fe system, but that is ethane with Pd/Fe system.
- GCLE[(6R-trans)-7-苯乙酰氨基-8-氧代-5-硫-1-氮杂双环[4.2.0]辛-2-烯-3-氯甲基-2-羧酸二苯甲基酯]的研究成功为研究开发头孢菌素类新药提供了新的合成途径。 Successful research of GCLE [(6R-trans)-5-Thia-l-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid, 3-chloromethyl-8-oxo-7-[(phenylacetyl)amino]-diphenylmethyl ester] provides new synthetic route for researching and developing new cephalosporin antibiotics.
- 研究背景与目的:全反式视黄酸(all-trans retinoicacid,ATRA)是视黄醇(即维生素A)在体内主要的活性代谢产物,参与调控机体多种细胞的增殖、分化及凋亡。 Background and objective: All-trans retinoic acid(ATRA), a mainactive metabolite of retinol (Vitamin A),participate in the regulation ofproliferation differentiation and apoptosis of a variety of cell types.
- 该变种在形态学、致病性、生物学及可溶性蛋白电泳谱带等方面,均不同于禾顶囊壳菌小麦变种[G.graminis var,tritici J.Walker)、水稻变种(G.graminis var.graminis Trans.) Walker, G. graminis var. graminis Trans, and G. graminis var. avenae (Turner) Dennis in morphology, pathogenicity, biology, and banding patterns of mycelial soluble proteins.
- 在HIV的复制过程中,HIV不仅编码了结构蛋白和酶蛋白,而且编码了一些辅助调节蛋白,其中包括一段由86-130个氨基酸组成的能够调节HIV转录的反式激活蛋白Tat(Trans-activator protein)。 During HIV transcriptation, not only structural proteins are coded by HTV, but also some regulatory proteins including trans - activator protein Tat which is made up of 86 -130 amino acids and responsible for regulating HTV transcription are coded.