- He compared Beijing to the heart of China. 他把北京比做中国的心脏。
- People compare Beijing to the heart of China. 人们把北京比作中国的心脏。
- Touching the Heart of China 感动中国
- A kiss of the mouth often does not touch the heart. 接吻往往不是心心相印的。
- That tragedy touched the hearts of millions. 这场悲剧震惊了无数人。
- The good story-teller tells his story in a way that is simple but can touch the heart of the audience. 好的说书人是能够以深入浅出的方式,打动听众的心灵。
- Bow Church is dear to the heart of every Londoner. 圣玛利教堂是每一位伦敦市民心爱的地方。
- Let's get to the heart of the matter. 让我们谈谈这件事的核心部分。
- No, but most people say Beijing is the heart of China. 没有,但是人们把北京称作中国的心脏。
- Personalities were not, however. the heart of China's domestic problem. 然而,个别的人物倒不是中国国内问题的症结所在。
- Personalities were not, however, the heart of China's domestic problem. 然而,个别的人物倒不是中国国内问题的症结所在。
- When a man's hand touches the hand of a woman they both touch the heart of eternity. 当一个男人的手触摸到一个女人的手时,他们双双触摸到了永恒之心。
- When a man's hand touches the hand of woman they both touch the heart of eternity. 当一个男人的手触摸到一个女人的手时,他们都触到了永恒的心。
- Especially the scene that the brother ran hard for the sister's little shoes, is touching the hearts of the audience limitlessly... 有病在身的母亲在煮好了一锅汤以后,不忘了给邻居的一对老夫妻送一碗过去,让人感到一丝丝温暖。
- Even some chores, do not have much value, but because life has flash, and touch the hearts of their own, touch the soul of some of the most sensitive. 即使是一些琐事,没有多少价值,却因为在生命中曾经闪现,而触动自己的心灵,触动灵魂中最敏感的部分。
- The princess captured the hearts of the nation. 那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。
- Granting loans goes to the heart of banking. 发放贷款是银行的中心业务。
- The news from here in the heart of China's earthquake zone remains heartbreakingly grim. 来自中国地震灾区的消息仍令人心情沉重。
- But partly it is because of abiding suspicions of China, which happens to lie at the heart of the networks. 还有部分原因在于它长久以来对中国的疑虑,后者又恰好位于供应网络的中心。
- The good story-teller tells his story simply and in a way which touches the heart of the audience. 好的说书人是能够以深入浅出的方式,打动听众的心灵。