- Tono-Pen眼压计 Tono-Pen tonometer
- PEN Polyethylenenaphthalate (PEN)
- PEN线 PEN line
- 眼压计一种测量眼球中流体静压力的仪器,用于检查白内障 An instrument for measuring hydrostatic pressure within the eyeball,used in the detection of glaucoma.
- Pen-2 Pen-2
- 扁平眼压计 applanation tonometer
- Pen队列 Pen's parade
- 眼高压症患者角膜中央厚度对非接触眼压计测量值的影响 Effect of central corneal thickness on the measurement of intraocular pressure in the patients with ocular hypertension
- 瓦楞式PEN corrugated PEN
- 压陷眼压计 impression tonometer, indentation tonometer; indentation tonometer
- Pen血小板抗体 Platelet antibody Pen
- 眼压计鉴定 standardization of tonometer
- PEN-PET共聚酯 PEN-PET copolyester
- 电子眼压计 electronic ophthalmotonometer
- 沃尔夫眼压计 Wolfe's tonometer
- pen?你用好那支笔了吗? Have you done with the
- 希厄茨眼压计 Schiotz's tonometer; ST
- 一个中文Pen-BIOS A Chinese Pen-BIOS
- 携带式眼压计 portable tonometer