- You should go down there to size up the situation. 你应该下去了解一下情况。
- The situation is hard to size up. 情况不可捉摸。
- The aim is to size up the situation and deal with a number of conspicuous cases. 其目的是弄清情况和处理一些最突出的问题。
- He attempted to size up the reaction of the audience. 他试图对听众的反应作出估计。
- It's not easy to size up the situation right now. For we are not well-informed on recent development. 很难估计目前的形势,因为我们对最近的发展了解不多。
- He sized up the situation at a glance. 他一眼就看出了这种局势。
- He sized up the situation immediately. 他当即估计了一下形势。
- He has the ability to size up a situation. 他会估计形势。
- He sized up the situation very quickly. 他很快对形势做出了判断。
- Let's pool our information and size up the situation. 大家斗一斗情况。
- He attempted to size up the reaction ofthe audience. 他试图对听众的反应作出估计。
- The pilot's job was to fly over the stricken area and size up the situation. 飞行员的任务是视察受灾地区,估量灾情。
- Our coach went to Boston to size up the team we'll face in our next game. 我们教练到波士顿估摸下场比赛中敌队的实力去了。
- Going to trade fairs is an ideal opportunity to size up the competition. 去参加贸易博览会对于观察、评判对手是一次绝好的机会。
- To size up the situation 审时度势
- When we size up the situation,we should bear in mind that the workers,peasants and intellectuals and the great majority of students support the reform. 估计形势,要看到中国的工人、农民、知识分子和大多数学生是拥护改革的。
- They must improve their ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way. 不断提高科学判断形势的能力。
- Size up the situation, Jin Cancan in the harvest season, the provincial party committee has sounded the clarion call to mind. 审时度势,在金灿灿的收获季节,省委吹响了继续解放思想的号角。
- At long last we have got things clear.; We've finally sized up the situation. 现在算把情况弄清楚了。
- At long last we have got things clear. or We've finally sized up the situation. 现在算把情况弄清楚了。