- TiN/AIN纳米多层膜 TiN/AIN nano-multilayer
- TiN/SiO2纳米多层膜 TiN/SiO2 nanomultilayers
- 沉积条件对Ti/TiN,CrN/SiN_x纳米多层膜微观结构、界面结构和硬度的影响及其热稳定性 Effects of Deposition Parameters on Microstructure, Interface and Hardness of Ti/TiN and CrN/Si_3N_4 Nanolayered Coatings and Their Thermal Stability
- Cu/Ni纳米多层膜微观强化机理及微摩擦学特性的分子动力学模拟 Research on strengthening micromechanisms and tribological behaviour of Cu/Ni multilayers with Molecular Dynamic Simulations
- c-AIN的生长对AIN/(Ti,Al)N纳米多层膜力学性能的影响 Influence of the growth of c-AIN on the mechanical properties of AlN/(Ti,Al)N nanomultilayers
- Ti-N隔层厚度对Fe-N/Ti-N纳米多层膜磁性的影响 Influence of Thickness of Ti-N Interlayer on Magnetic Properties of Fe-N/Ti-N Nanometer Multilayer Films
- PZT多层膜 PZT muhilayer
- 纳米多层薄膜 nanometer-scale multilayers
- 软X射线布拉格-菲涅耳多层膜一维聚焦镜的近似理论设计 Approximate Theory for 1 D Focusing Bragg Fresnel Multilayer Lens
- Ti/TiN纳米多层薄膜 Ti/TiN nano-multilayer film
- 铁电多层膜 ferroelectric muhilayer
- Fe/Ti纳米多层薄膜 Fe/Ti nanometer-scale muhilayer
- 磁性多层膜 magnetic multilayer
- 多元多层膜 multi-element-layer film
- 复合多层膜 multilayer
- Co/Pt多层膜 Co/Pt multilayer film
- 压电多层膜 piezoelectric multilayer element
- Ge/Si多层膜 Ge/Si multilayer
- NbN/TaN纳米多层膜的微结构及超高硬度效应 Microstructures and Superhardness Effects of NbN/TaN Nano-multilayer Films
- MgB2多层膜 MgB2 multilayer films