- TiC-TiB2复相陶瓷涂层 TiC-TiB2 multiphase ceramic coatings
- TiC-TiB2复相陶瓷 TiB2-TiC multiphase ceramics
- 复相陶瓷涂层 ceramic coatings
- 稀土氧化物对氧化铝复相陶瓷显微结构和力学性能的影响 Effects of Rare Earth Oxides on the Microstructure and the Mechanical Properties of Zirconia Toughened Alumina Ceramics
- TiB2阴极涂层 TiB2 Cathode coatings
- 溶胶-凝胶法引入烧结助剂制备SiC-Y_3Al_5O_(12)复相陶瓷 Preparation of SiC-Y_3Al_5O_(12)composite ceramics by adding sintering aids via sol-gel method
- TiB2粉末 TiB2 powder
- Ti3AlC2/TiB2 Ti3AlC2/TiB2
- 这一特别的涂层旨在抗锈。 This special coating is designed to resist rust.
- 流动相 moving phase
- TiB2/Cu复合材料 TiB2 particulate reinforced copper matrix composites
- 他已完全复元。 He was completely restored.
- 油水不相融。 Oil will not unite with water.
- 埃及陶瓷 Egyptian pottery
- 他的突然复元使医生大为惊奇。 His sudden rally surprised the doctor.
- 你的股金与票面价值相等。 Your shares are at par.
- 艾洛陶瓷 allocs
- 我们听到剑当地一声相击。 We heard the clash of swords.
- ε复形 ε complex
- 阿普列陶瓷 Aprey faience