- The lens of the eye accommodate to distance. 眼球晶状体能根据距离进行调节。
- A cataract is a painless clouding of the lens of the eye. 白内障是眼球晶状体的无痛混浊现象。
- CATARACT:A clouding of the lens of the eye, resulting in blurred vision. 白内障:眼睛的晶体变得混浊,导致视力损害。
- Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of cataracts, which cloud the lens of the eye and can cause blindness. 紫外线辐射增加了白内障的危险,这种疾病使眼睛的晶体蒙上缀障并能导致失明。
- Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of cataracts,which cloud the lens of the eye and can cause blindness. 紫外线辐射增加了白内障的危险,这种疾病使眼睛的晶体蒙上缀障并能导致失明。
- Cataract: The lens of the eye becomes progressively clouded, blocking light entry and resulting in blurred vision. 白内障:眼睛的晶状体因各种原因而变得混浊,导致视力逐渐模糊。
- The lens of the eye loses elasticity with age resulting in inability to focus clearly on near objects. 由于晶状体随著年的增长而慢慢失去弹性,当要看近的东西时,便不能准确聚焦,令影像模糊。
- Rupert: I kicked the lens of the camera off. 鲁柏:我踢中了摄影机的镜头。
- The lens of the computer's sensor glowed briefly. 电脑传感器的镜头发出一阵短暂的光。
- What's the strength of the lenses of your glasses? 您的眼镜多少度?
- A cataract is a clouding or dulling of the lens in the eye. 白内障就是眼睛的晶状体上有阴影或者浑浊。
- The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances. 眼调节眼睛瞳孔对焦距的自动调节,以获得不同距离的物体在视网膜上的成像
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- A horse focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do. 马通过转动头的角度使眼镜聚焦,不象人那样通过改变瞳孔的形状聚焦。
- For example, long-term use of corticosteroids may lead to glaucoma and cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye that impairs vision). 比如长期使用皮质类固醇会导致青光眼和白内障。
- Eye are the important apparatus of body.Opacity in the lens of the eye, resulting in senior's blurred vision, i.e.Senile Cataract. 眼睛是人体内极重要的器官,因眼睛内的晶体出现老化及混浊,便会导致视力减退,一般称为白内障。
- Intra-capsular (ICCE) surgery involves removing the entire lens of the eye, including the lens capsule, but it is rarely performed in modern practice. 出现在视轴上的混浊对视力的影响较大,例如后囊下的混浊,由于其处于眼球这个光学系统的节点处,所以即便是较小的混浊也对视力有较大的影响。
- The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye. 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷。
- Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye. 虹膜切除术手术切除部分虹膜
- Battista della Porta in1589, but it was not until1611 that Kepler compared a lens of glass to the lens in the eye and showed that rays from each point of an object were brought to a focus at each corresponding point of an image on the retina. 透镜可以集结更多的光束,并且依然可以象小孔一样成相,但是有一点两者不同,在小孔摄影机里,无论胶片与小孔的距离远近,光线都可以相成同样清晰的影像。