- TVD性质 TVD property
- 指出:1.对于Riemann间断分解,Euler方程的解和Riemann不变量都没有TVD性质,因此不能将TVD格式自然推广; We have come to the follwing conclusions: 1. For Riemann problem, the solution of Euler equation and the Riemann invariants do not have TVD property, so it is unreasonble to extend TVD scheme naturally to system of quasilinear equation in the meaning of section 2A.
- 采用有限体积法和TVD性质的差分格式相结合求解轴对称欧拉方程的方法对高速列车通过隧道时在隧道出口区域产生的微压波问题进行了数值研究. The finited volume method and a total variation diminishing(TVD)numerical scheme were used to solve the axisymmetric Euler equation,which was utilized to simulate the Micro Pressure Wave discharged from the tunnel exit when a train entered a tunnel at high speed.
- 性质 nature
- 为适应较高马赫数计算,对人工粘性中的压力(温度)感测因子进行改进,使其具有类TVD性质,并有效地抑制不真实的数值振荡,拓展了中心格式的适用范围,使格式更具鲁棒性。 In order to apply the central scheme to higher Mach number flows, the sensor about pressure or temperature aremodified with some TVD-like properties.
- 工作性质 job category
- 物理性质 physical appearance
- TVD方法 TVD methods
- 化学性质 chemical property
- TVD格式 TVD scheme
- 理化性质 physicochemical property
- 三阶TVD 3-order TVD
- OC-TVD格式 OC-TVD scheme
- 性质的 qualitative
- 对称TVD格式 symmetric TVD scheme
- 迎风TVD格式 upwind TVD scheme
- 同性质的 connatural
- 物理化学性质 physicochemical property
- TVD输运限制子 TVD (total variation diminishing)advection limiter