- TS评分 TS score
- 新规则的难度动作评分对基层竞技武术套路运动员影响的研究 Study on Influence of Difficulty Action Grade of New Rules to Basic Level Routine Athletes of Wushu
- 阅卷评分 to grade an exam
- R评分 R-value
- TI评分 The score of trauma index
- Z值评分 Z-score
- JOA评分 JOA score
- RCI评分 RCI grading
- 我希望助教通过只仔细看一些问题,能够很好地进行评分。 I expect that by looking at just a few problems, the TA will be able to do a bang-up job with the grading.
- Z评分模型 Z - Score model
- 绝对评分 absolute score
- 分项评分 analytic scoring
- 焦虑评分 anxiety score
- 评分偏差 effort analysis
- 预测评分 embolism pre- test probability score
- 信用评分 credit scoring
- MELD评分 MELD score
- 等级评分 graded evolution
- 评分改革 mark reform
- 评分要素 Assessment Criteria