- TSK型递归模糊神经网络 TSK type recurrent fuzzy neural network
- 动态递归模糊神经网络 dynamic recurrent fuzzy neural netowrk(DRFNN)
- 动态T-S递归模糊神经网络 dynamic T-S recurrent fuzzy neural network (DTRFNN)
- 递归模糊神经网络控制器 recursive fuzzy neural net controller
- 动态T-S递归模糊神经网络(DTRFNN) dynamic T-S recurrent fuzzy neural network (DTRFNN)
- "与" 型桥接 AND bridge
- "圣诞树" 型译码器 Christmas tree type decoder
- 林型 crop type
- 甲3型 Subtype A3
- 林型图 cover type map
- 六边形网络 hexagonal network
- 伥然而归 wend one's way home sorrowfully; return sorrowfully home
- 神经肽P物质 Substance P
- 子直觉模糊群 Sub-intuitionistic Fuzzy Group
- 给他递个口信 take a message to him
- 林型学 forest type science
- 网络输电费 wheeling charge
- 喙突下臂丛神经 Subcoracoid Brachial Plexus
- 铰链型艇架 hinged cradle type davit
- 递质氨基酸的毛细管电泳-安培检测 Determination of Amino Acids in Transmitters by Capillary Electrophoresis-Amperometric Detection with Carbon Fiber Microelectrode