- TRK2吸钾基因缺陷型 TRK2 mutant
- 籽粒苋不同富钾基因型根际钾营养与根系特性研究 Nutrition of Potassium in Rhizosphere and Characteristics of Roots in Different Grain Amaranth Genotypes
- 复制缺陷型重组腺病毒介导人内皮细胞抑制素基因治疗结肠癌的实验研究 Experimental Study of Gene Therapy for Colon Cancer by Replication-defective Recombinant Adenovirus Harboring Human Endostatin
- 吸顶灯 ceiling lamp
- 磷酸二氢钾 monopotassium phosphate
- 约翰吸海洛因成瘾。 John was hooked on heroin.
- 磷酸氢二钾 dipotassium hydrogen phosphate
- B型超声波扫描 B-scan
- C基因 C gene
- I型反应 type I reaction
- D基因 D gene
- I型卡环 Aker clasp
- J基因 J gene
- L型 L form
- V基因 V gene
- III型卡环 wrought wire clasp
- Ir基因 Ir gene
- II型卡环 divided-arm clasp
- II型系统 type-II system
- 肝片吸虫保护性抗原基因在卡介苗中的表达 Expressing F.hepatica Protective antigenic gene in BCG