- 抗TNFR1中和抗体 Anti TNFR1 neutralizing antibody
- 肿瘤坏死因子受体1(TNFR1) Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1)
- 溴氰菊酯对PC12细胞Fas、FasL、TNFR1蛋白及凋亡的影响 The Effects of Deltamethrin on Fas,FasL,TNFR1 Protein Expre s sion and Apoptosis in PC12 Cells
- 化痰散结方对人肺癌细胞Fas-FasL和TNFR1信号通路的影响 Effect of Removing Phlegm and Resolving Masses Recipe on Signal Pathway of Fas,FasL and TNFR1 of SPC-A1 Cell in Lung Cancer
- T-TFL细胞能表达融合蛋白TNFR1/DED活性,可以为进一步深入研究舌癌基因治疗提供实验基础。 The construction of the fusion gene TFL and the T-TFL cell line co uld express the fusion protein TNFR1/DED,which could afford a novel experimental basis for human tongue carcinoma gene therapy.
- 蜕膜组织TNFR1表达的增加是自然流产发生的原因之一,而血清sTNFR1水平的升高则对妊娠具有自我保护和自我调控的生理机制。 Increased expressions of TNFR1 in decidua tissues might be one of causes of spontaneous abortion. sTNFR1 in serum was important to maintain gestation.
- 化痰散结方含药血清,不含药兔血清分别与人肺癌细胞SPC-A1共同孵育12小时、24小时、36小时、48小时后,运用原位杂交的方法检测人肺癌细胞TNFR1表达的变化。 SPC-A1 cells were inbucated with the pharmaceutical serum containing Hua Tan San Jie Fang and rabbit serum not containing drug separately for 12h,24h,36h,48h,then the expression of TNFR1 mRNA was examined by in situ hybridzation method.
- 获得了人FADD及TNFR1基因并构建成功融合基因TFL,转染入Tca-8113细胞后,能表达融合蛋白TNFR1/DED活性,且T-TFL细胞与亲本Tca-8113细胞的生物学性状无明显差异。 Human FADD and TNFR1 gene were obtained respectively, the fusion gene TFL was constructed successfully. The T-TFL cell could expressed the fusion pro tein TNFR1/DED after TFL gene was transfected into it, and there were no obvious differences in biological characters between T-TFL and Tca-8113 cells.