- TLS协议组 TLS protocol group
- TLS协议组密底泄露缺陷及改进 Weakness and Improvement of Encrypted Messages Guessed in TLS Protocol Group
- 提出了TLS协议组(SSL3.0和TLS1.0及其衍生的系列协议)共同存在的一个安全缺陷:密文的最前面4个字节其底码是可以猜测的。 This paper at first introduces a security weakness which the first four encrypted bytes can be guessed in TLS protocol group.
- tcp/IP协议组 TCP/IP protocol suite
- EAP-TTLS是EAP-TLS协议的扩展。 EAP-TTLS is an EAP protocol that extends EAP-TLS.
- 开放系统互连协议组 OSI Open System Interconnection protocol group
- TLS协议(传输层安全)能够在客户机与服务器之间认证,建立加密连接. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is capable of authenticating both the client and the server and creating a encrypted connection between the two.
- 移动互联网协议组播 MIP muhicast
- 伙伴合作者,在指在水底双人侦察制中在一组或一队中合作的人 A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy system.
- 禁用Internet信息服务(IIS)服务器,上TLS协议并使用只SSL 3.0。 Disable the TLS protocol on the Internet Information Services (IIS) server, and use only SSL 3.0.
- 互联网多媒体传输协议组 Protocol Group of Transportation of Multimedia Over Internet
- 如果与TLS协议,软件或硬件环境不兼容使用下列方法之一来解决此问题 If the software or hardware environment is incompatible with the TLS protocol, use one of the following methods to work around the issue
- 协议族:用来唯一标示一种协议组的整数。 Protocol family An integer which uniquely identifies a protocol suite.
- SSLv3/TLS协议实现的功能包括对通信双方的身份认证、对数据加密和对数据的完整性保护。 The functions implemented by SSLv3/TLS include authentication on both transmission parties, data secrecy and data integrity protection.
- 水电站计算机监控系统多协议组态软件及其实现 Configuration Software of Multiple Protocols for Computerized Monitoring and Control System of Hydropower Plant and Its Implementation
- 该文在分析SSL/TLS协议性能和安全的基础上,设计并实现了一种高效的、安全的SSL/TLS Web代理。 In this article, an efficient, secure SSL/TLS Web proxy is designed and implemented, according to analysis of SSL/TLS protocol.
- TLS协议 TLS protocol
- 组播协议 multicast protocol
- 并且给出了基于RADIUS协议和EAP-TLS协议的无线局域网认证系统的设计方案。 And also, we present a design scheme of authentication system based on RADIUS protocol and EAP-TLS protocol.
- 组网协议 networking protocol