- TE过程 TE process
- 通过对TE过程的仿真研究,表明了该方法的有效性. * Results of the simulation in Tennessee-Eastman(TE) process verify the efficiency of the method.
- 过程 process
- 仿真研究中,将该方法与传统的主元分析方法同时应用于TE过程中,结果表明改进主元分析方法比传统的主元分析方法(PCA)能更好的检测出对于过程影响较小的故障。 Both the improved PCA and conventional PCA are sued to detect the Tennessee Eastman process. The simulation results show that the two methods can detect strong changes?but the improved PCA has better performance to detect weak process changes.
- 生产过程 course of production
- 通过典型的过程控制和监测案例(TE过程)对本文提出的概念和方法进行验证,表明模型的有效性和合理性得到改进,解决了纯数据驱动多元统计建模中模型重构性和可解释性差的问题。 The concept and the method which propounded in this paper are confirmed by the representative case -- Tennessee Eastman Challenge Process. The model has better validity and the rationality than data-driven model.
- 在过程中 in the process of
- 随机过程 random process
- 开发过程 development process
- 全过程 overall process
- 存储过程 storing process
- 发展过程 heuristic procedure
- 过程中的 in process
- 制作过程 manufacturing process
- 过程控制 process monitoring
- 处理过程 process
- 工艺过程 technical process
- 计算过程 computational process
- 加工过程 course of working
- 教学过程 teaching process