- 基于泰勒级数展开的蜂窝TDOA定位算法 A new TDOA algorithm based on Taylor series expansion in cellular networks
- 系统 system
- 对求解TDOA定位方程的Chan方法进行推广得到求解TDOA-AOA定位方程的方法。 The algorithm of Chan, which is for solving TDOA location equations, is extended to solve hybrid TDOA-AOA location equations.
- 该文分析讨论了Chan和泰勒两种TDOA定位算法的优缺点,并在此基础上提出了基于 Chan氏算法(1994)和Taylor级数展开法(1976)的协同定位方法。 In this paper, two location algorithms, i.e. Chan and Taylor series expansion methods, are analyzed and a cooperative location method based on Chan and Taylor algorithms is proposed.
- 系统的 systemic
- 应用GPS卫星定位系统建设江苏地区高精度地壳形变监测网 Building a crustal deformation monitoring network with high precision in Jiangsu area using the GPS satellite positioning system
- 磁浮列车绝对定位系统 Absolute Position Detecting System for Maglev Train
- GPS定位系统 GPS
- CT定位系统 CT location system
- “导航星”全球定位系统 Navstar global positioning system
- MP定位系统 MP positioning system
- 列车定位系统 Train positioning system
- 防摆定位系统 anti- swing position system
- CDMA定位系统 CDMA location systems
- 闪电定位系统 lightning detection system
- 光纤定位系统 optical fiber positioning system
- 水下定位系统 underwater positioning system
- 激光定位系统 laser orientation system
- 北斗定位系统 Beidou position system