- T4VS·6AL易住 T4VS·6AL translocation
- 住 to live
- 不住 repeatedly
- T4VS·4VL-4AL易位 T4VS·4VL-4AL translocation
- 入住 be opened for occupancy
- 易损件 wearing parts
- 低值易耗品 low priced and easily worn articles
- 抱住 inclasp
- 易读 readability
- 住在 populate
- 易怒 testiness
- 忍住 gulp
- 易受 liable to
- 锁住 chain up
- 易怒的 badtempered
- 困住 box up
- 易用性 ease for use
- 原住民 boong
- 易用 easy-to-use
- 包住 encase