- T细胞受体谱 T cell receptor repertoire TCRR
- T细胞受体删除环 T cell receptor rearrangement excision circles
- T细胞受体β链可变区 T-cell receptor β-chain variable region
- T细胞受体重排切除环 TRECs
- 类风湿关节炎患者T细胞受体BV基因的表达 Expression of T cell receptor BV gene in rheumatoid arthritis patients
- 原发性皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤T细胞受体基因重排检测 Detection of T-cell receptor gene rearrangement of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas
- T细胞受体BV T-cell receptor 13 chain variable region
- T细胞受体库 T lymphocyte receptor repertoire
- 氧化低密度脂蛋白通过激活内皮细胞受体诱发一氧化氮的产生 Oxidized low density lipoprotein stimulated endothelial nitric oxide by activating lectin-like oxidized-LDL receptor
- T细胞 T cell; T-cell; TC; thymus derived cell
- B细胞受体 B-cell receptor
- T细胞受体 T cell receptor; T-cell receptor
- 幼T细胞 immature T cell
- B 细胞受体 B-cell receptor
- 原T细胞 pro T cell; pro T lymphocyte; pro-T cell; pro-T lymphocyte
- T 细胞受体 T-cell receptor
- T细胞库 T cell repertoire
- 研究表明,与禽细胞受体相比,香港2003年病毒更优先与人类细胞受体相结合。 Research has indicated that the Hong Kong 2003 viruses bind preferentially to human cell receptors more so than to avian cell receptors.
- T细胞区 T cell area
- M-T细胞 M-T cells