- Symmetry近端吻合器 Symmetry Bypass System Aortic Connector
- 邻接近端间的 interproximal
- 近端着丝染色体 acrocentric chromosome
- 【谚】离教堂越近,离上帝越远。 The nearer the church, the farther from God.
- "端咖啡给他们?" 他们把我看成什么了? "Fetch them coffee?" what do they think I am?
- "父母们近来一直有点儿紧张,正在等待公布他们孩子们的考试成绩。" "The parents have been a bit edgy lately, waiting for their children's examination results."
- 圆端 nose circle
- (供船只停泊的)近岸水域,近岸锚地 Stretch of water near the shore where ships may be anchored
- 目端 eye end
- 缘端 acies
- 高频渐近 high-frequency asymptote
- 【谚】整洁近于美德。 Cleanliness is next to godliness.
- 被端 be removed
- 圆端砖 bull header
- 【谚】远水救不了近火。 Far water does not put out near fire.
- 渐近计算法 iterative calculatio
- 胎儿端脑 Telencephalon of fetus
- 圆端丁砖 bull header
- 近场传输 ear-field transmission
- 圆端顺砖 bull stretcher