- Str ip bad assets off 剥离不良资产
- Plans in discussion include the creation of a so-called "bad bank" that would let the government take bad assets off bank balance sheets, which would purportedly get banks to start lending again. 计划讨论包括建立一个所谓的“坏银行”,将让政府采取了银行不良资产的资产负债表,这将据称获得银行贷款再次启动。
- Strip bad assets off 剥离不良资产
- In particular, South Korean banks built up strong capital-solvency ratios and fended off bad assets. 尤其应指出的一点是,韩国银行曾建立过较高的资本-偿债率,并对不良资产层层设防。
- Setting up AMC to deal with the bad asset is the best method. (2) 分析化解政策性不良资产的方法。
- His be anxious to be not peerless, the analyst offers more radical proposal, think news group Ying Fang takes beautiful flag group, come off " bad assets " . 他的担忧并非绝无仅有,有分析师提出更激进的建议,认为新闻集团应仿照花旗集团,剥离“坏资产”。
- Bad assets of Chinese central banks are caused by refinancing of the banks. 摘要央行不良资产主要是央行再贷款形成的。
- The last part suggests suitable models of bad asset securitization in China. 其次,是我国经济环境对不良资产证券化的需求和支持。
- A new HOLC will be the macro equivalent of creating a large “bad bank” where the bad assets of financial institutions are taken off their balance sheets and restructured/reduced. 一个新的HOLC从宏观上看等同于建立一个大的银行专门收购金融机构手中的不良资产,把它们从资产负债表上清除出去,从而进行重组。
- Yes, if the government is going to take the troubled assets off your hands; no, if the government is going to demand a dilutive equity stake and impose onerous conditions. 是的,如果政府将问题资产从你的手中拿走;不是,如果政府需要稀释股权并强加苛刻条件。
- The forth part is the experiences of disposing bank bad assets at home and abroad. 第四部分为国内外银行不良资产处置与经验借鉴。
- As they are preparing for going public, the commercial banks arehindered by their high level of bad assets rate. 随着商业银行上市热潮的出现,不良资产率过高成为阻碍其发展的一大障碍,要使其成功上市以取得进一步发展,剥离其不良资产成为迫切需要,金融资产管理公司就是在这种情况下建立的。
- Banking crises is that burst of bubbles results into a lot of bad assets of banking and the payment crises of banking. 银行业危机是指由于金融泡沫破灭而导致银行业产生大量不良资产,从而使得银行业出现支付危机而形成的。
- Pan Gongsheng has not disclosed the bad assets peeling concrete digit at the press conference. 潘功胜在新闻发布会上没有透露不良资产剥离的具体数字。
- The revised bailout plan differs from the original in that it aims to recapitalize banks, not just buy the troubled assets off their books at prices that could leave the banks with losses. 8岁以下的儿童身材过小,肩带没落在正确位置,一旦紧急刹车或者出现碰撞,孩子可能从安全带的下方滑出去,导致撞伤,还有可能被安全带勒住颈部造成危险。
- In the “bad bank” model, the government may overpay for the bad assets, whose true value is uncertain. “坏账银行”模式,由于不良资本的真实价值不确定,政府容易买贵了。
- Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner unveiled a $1-trillion plan last Tuesday on how the government will deal with taking those toxic assets off the banks' balance sheets and infuse them with capital. 上周二财政部长提姆盖纳公开了政府将运用1万亿美元从银行的账上吃进这些不良资产,然后向他们注资。
- "The issue now that is most important are the bad assets, and recapitalizing the banks," he said in a statement. “现在最重要的问题是资产不足和调整银行资本,”佐利克在一个电文中指出。
- Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner unveiled a $1-trillion plan last Tuesday on how the government will deal with taking those toxic assets off the banks' balance sheets and infuse them with capital. 美国财政部长盖特纳上星期二推出了一项一万亿美元的计划,政府将利用这项计划帮银行从账面上消除这些有毒资产,并向银行注入资本。
- In particular, the plan did not establish how to value the bad assets that are cluttering up bank balance sheets. 尤其重要的是,该份计划没有说明该如何为堆满银行资产负债表的坏资产进行估值。