- Stop acting the giddy goat! 别胡闹了!
- Some boys are always acting the giddy goat,behaving foolishly. 有些男孩子常常胡闹,举止荒唐。
- Some boys are always acting the giddy goat, behaving foolishly. 有些男孩子常常胡闹, 举止荒唐。
- If you will act the giddy goat in front of your friends you must expect them to treat you accordingly. 如果你对朋友嘻嘻哈哈瞎胡闹,你该想到他们也会这样对待你。
- Certainly. Here Tommy! You stop acting the fool. 行、行。汤米过来!你可别再扮傻样儿啦。
- The father told the boy to stop acting the fool. 父亲叫孩子不要再装疯卖傻了。
- She hate guys who play the giddy goat. 她讨厌举止轻浮的家伙。
- act the giddy goat v. 胡闹
- Stop playing the giddy goat! 别胡闹了!
- Some boys are always playing the giddy goat, behaving foolishly. 有些男孩子常常胡闹, 举止荒唐。
- Stop acting the goat! 别胡闹!
- Stop acting so goofy! What will the neighbors say? 别犯傻了!周围邻居们会怎么议论?
- In the first act the curtain goes up on a dungeon in a landlord's house. 第一幕启幕时,舞台上现出了地主家里的一个地牢。
- Grab that hammer and stop acting so left-handed. 快拿那把锤子吧,做事不要这么笨手笨脚的。
- She is acting the role of Juliet. 她演朱丽叶这一角色。
- Be mature and stop acting as if you were a baby. 成熟点儿,别表现得像个孩子。
- He's acting the part ot an old man. 他正扮演一个老人。
- Stop acting like a child with your bad temper! 不要耍小孩子气!
- Stop acting like spoilt children! 别再像惯坏的孩子那样胡闹了!
- Why doesn't he grow up and stop acting like a baby? 他怎么不长大,停止小孩般的举动?