- Balance-of-payments deficits are increasingly financed by special drawing rights at the International Monetary Fund. 国际货币基金组织的特别提款权被越来越多地用来融通国际收支中的逆差。
- Authorized capital stock [MIGA] For MIGA, it equals one billion Special Drawing Rights. 法定股本[多边投资担保机构]多边投资担保机构的法定股本相当于十亿特别提款权。
- It may be necessary to create additional money by the IMF issuing Special Drawing Rights or SDRs. 或许有必要通过国际货币基金组织发行特别提款权等形式提供更多的资金。
- Two of the more popular ideas have been the use of somewhat flexible exchange rates and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). 其中有两个人们熟悉的措施,一个是比较灵活的汇率,另一个是“特别提款权”。
- Zhou Xiaochuan called for a new currency disconnected from individual nations -- such as using what are called Special Drawing Rights. 周小川号召寻求一个与单个国家没有直接联系的新的货币,如使用被称为‘特殊货币’等。
- Mr Zhou proposed that the world should replace the dollar with a global reserve currency, the SDR (Special Drawing Rights). 周先生建议,世界应以全球储备货币的特别提款权(SDR)来取代美元。
- The International Monetary Fund created the Special Drawing Right, or S.D.R., 40 years ago. 40年前国际货币基金组织创造特别提款权,即S.;D
- Special Drawing Right (SDR) means the unit of account as definedby the International Monet ary Fund. “特别提款权”(SDR)是指国际货币基金的记帐单位。10
- Recent statements by Chinese officials about moving into special drawing rights, gold or whatever else, are thus largely sabre rattling. 因此近期中国官员有关转向特别提款权、黄金或其它储备的声明,主要是在威胁。
- This means that members may use SDR's in their transactions with the IMF and with these IMF member countries who participate in the Special Drawing Rights Department. 这就意味着,成员国只能在与货币基金组织以及与参加特别提款权部门的成员国进行交易中使用。
- The international monetary system would have to adapted in such a way that the less-developed countries would have more Special Drawing Rights at their disposal. 要求对国际货币体系进行修改以便较不发达国家能有更多的特别提款权。
- Under the existing Hague-Visby Rules, the carrier's liability is limited to 2 special drawing rights (“SDRs”) per kilo or 666 SDRs per package, whichever is the higher. 根据现有的海牙维斯比规则,承运人的责任限制为每公斤2特别提款权或每货运单位666特别提款权,从其高者。
- Momentum is building up for using the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund to supplement or rival the dollar as the main global reserve currency. 他们要求使用国际货币基金组织的特别提款权(SDR)来补充作为全球主要储备货币美元的作用,甚至主张其与美元并驾齐驱,这样的呼声越来越高。
- Zhou's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R.'s, or special drawing rights, in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts. 于是,周小川提议,以由国际货币基金组织记账的特别提款权(简称SDR)为基础,转入一种全新的储备货币。
- The account of"Official Reserve Assets" includes mainly the gold stock7,the stock of foreign exchange in convertible currencies8,allocation of Special Drawing Rights and reserve position in the International Monetary Fund. 官方储备资产项目主要包括黄金储备、可兑换的外汇储备、特别提款权配额及国际货币基金组织的储备头寸。
- Adopted by UNCITRAL on 28 July 1982, the Unit of Account provision designates the Special Drawing Right as the unit of account in limitations of liability provisions. 贸易法委员会于1982年7月28日通过《记帐单位条款》,这些条款指定特别提款权为赔偿责任限制条款中的记帐单位。
- Nowadays,such deficits are usuay financed by Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) drawn at the International Monetary Fund(IMF). 如今国际收支的逆差通常是从国际货币基金组织提取特别提款权来进行融通资金的。
- In 1970, the IMF expanded its reserve base even further by creating Special Drawing Rights (SDRS), which are credited to members and can be used within the IMF to purchase hard currency. 在1970年,国际货币基金组织通过建立特别提款权(SDRS)大大进一步扩充了其储备基数,这种特别提款权向成员国提供信贷,可以在国际货币基金组织内部购买坚挺货币。
- Nowadays,such deficits are usuay financed by Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) drawn at the International Monetary Fund(IMF). 如今国际收支的逆差通常是从国际货币基金组织提取特别提款权来进行融通资金的。
- Special Drawing Rights (SDR' s) were created to serve as an international reserve asset for those IMF member countries who chose to participate in the Fund's Special Drawing Rights Department. 特别提款权的建立是用国际储备资本为加入了特别提款权部的基金会员国服务。