- SolidWorks二次开发 Secondary development of SolidWorks
- 本文首先介绍了三维CAD及其相关技术,包括SolidWorks的应用编程接口,SolidWorks二次开发方法,数据库技术,ActiveX技术和构件技术。 The thesis introduces the key technology for development of bending die CAD system, including API of SolidWorks, the way of customization development, database and reusable component technology.
- SolidWorks软件二次开发 re-development of SolidWorks
- 为了方便用户进行二次开发,SolidWorks提供了基于OLE自动化技术的API函数。 SolidWorks provided mass API functions base the OLE automation technique,with which users can easily do secondary development work.
- AutoCAD本身提供了AutoLISP、ADS、DCL等二次开发工具。 AutoCAD itself has included programdeveloping tools such as AutoLISP,ADS,DCL etc.
- VBA二次开发 VBA secondary development
- UG二次开发 UG redevelopment
- CAD二次开发 CAD
- GIS二次开发 GIS development
- UG的二次开发 The sec ondary development of UG
- UGII二次开发 UGII secondary development
- UGⅡ二次开发 UGⅡ second development
- Visio二次开发 Visio secondary development
- 菜单的二次开发 The secondary development of Auto CAD menus
- 联合二次开发 co-development
- ANSYS二次开发 ANSYS secondary development
- Pro/E二次开发 application development of Pro/E
- APDL二次开发 Ansys parametric design language secondary development
- 二次开发平台 Customized development platform
- Excel二次开发 re - development of Excel