- Soil' s properties tests 土性试验
- A series of undrained tests on typical Hangzhou intact soft clay were conducted to investigate the influence of cyclic principal stress rotation induced by traffic or wave loads on soil s properties. 摘要针对在交通、波浪等动荷载下土体所受应力状态具有主应力轴循环旋转的特征,对杭州地区典型原状软黏土开展不排水模拟试验。
- With a Langmuir double probe,the plasma s properties have been studied preliminarily. 利用朗廖尔双探针法初步研究了该螺旋波等离子体的特性。
- The effect of plasticizer DOP on the ultraviolet light(UV) ageing properties of PVC was studied by means of mechanical properties test, SEM and FT-IR. 采用力学性能测试、扫描电镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FT-IR)等方法研究了增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)对聚氯乙烯(PVC)紫外光老化性能的影响。
- Abstract: Doped VO2 films are materials of wide application prospect for it’s properties of phase transition. 摘 要 :掺杂VO2薄膜的相变特性决定了它具有广阔的应用前景。
- But to academics, intellectuals look like ramblers freely trespassing on other people’s property, picking the fruits and despoiling the soil. 对一个知识分子来说,学者可能被看作把探索的手段当作目的的人,但是对学者来说,知识分子就像漫游者,擅自进入别人的领地,摘人家的果子,抢夺别人的劳动成果。
- Various factors influencing the major properties of water soluble polyurethane grouting materials arestudied by properties tests. 采用化学灌浆材料性能测试方法,研究了影响水溶性聚氨酯化学灌浆材料主要性能的各种因素。
- Taking advantage of the Barker code s property of sharp... 计算机仿真结果表明系统信噪比有了一定的提高,成像质量得到了改善。
- The redemption of one’s property is to buy it back actually. 赎回财产实际上是用钱把它买回来的意思。
- LCR test instrument, Shore hardness test instrument and capacitive electrostrictive properties test device are used to test the effect of doped PUE. 采用LCR测试仪、邵氏硬度计和电容法电致伸缩特性测试装置研究了纳米钛酸钡掺杂对PUE的影响。
- Distribution of Mg in melt pool and its effects on mechanical properties of welded joint were investigated by EDX analysis, microhardness test and tensile properties test. 通过对焊缝的能谱分析、显微硬度试验和拉伸性能试验,研究了Mg元素烧损后在熔池内的分布规律及对焊后力学性能的影响。
- Our study shows that DAA's properties such as fluorescence, thermostability were improved through constructing aromatic or heteroaromatic ring on DAA's skeleton. 研究表明,通过在脱氢松香骨架上构建芳杂环,脱氢松香的荧光性质和耐热性能能得到一定改善,这就为多功能脱氢松香衍生物的开发奠定了基础。
- The shearing property test of CFRP structure under a static load is conducted. 摘要对CFRP加固的混凝土构件进行了界面静荷载下的抗剪性能试验。
- The demise of the old man 's property caused much dispute upon his death . 老人死时,财产的让渡问题引起许多争执。
- Therefore ,modifying AN's properties to inhibit damping and caking has become a research subject of grcat interest in the commercial explosivcs industry. 因此,对硝酸铵进行改性以抑制其吸湿和结块成了工业炸药界广泛关注的课题。
- Restricted by its low coating amount, LWC’s properties consequently affected by the binder’s dosage, binder constituent’s ratio, and the characteristics of the binder used. 由于涂布量有限,涂料组成中,接著剂之用量、配合比之选择、本身的特质、性状等对涂布纸之性质有重大影响。
- Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium . 中文摘要汞齐合金主要是以银、铜与锡之合金粉末与汞混合而成的合金,有时也会添加少量金属(如锌、铟、钯等)以改善其性质。
- Properties of modified phenol resin, precoated sand preparation and property test have been narrated. 摘要叙述了改性酚醛树脂的性能、及膜砂制备配方及其性能测定。
- It has been found that TFR s properties of temperature coefficient (TCR) and short-time overloaded can be enhanced with proper heat treatment technology. 研究了热处理工艺对钌系厚膜电阻器的温度系数(TCR)和短时间过负载性能的影响,发现适当的热处理工艺可以改善厚膜电阻器的电性能。
- The property tests of rheology,intensity and thickening time of MTC slurry are presented in the paper... 成功地制备了这种能够完成MTC设计的分散剂,并从流动度、强度、稠化时间等方面进行了性能测试。