- Socotra Sunbird n. 索科花蜜鸟
- GuangZhou Sunbird Culture Spreading Co., Ltd. 广州火之鸟文化传播有限公司。
- China HuNan Sunbird Yacht Manufacture Co., Ltd. 湖南太阳鸟游艇制造有限公司。
- Sunbird Taxi Service here. Can I help you? 我是太阳鸟出租车公司。能为你帮忙吗?
- Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable. 一个世代相传的美丽传说。
- Nine first three foot sunbird Wuhan web cams are anticipating you! 九个头三只脚的太阳鸟武汉网民期待着您!
- Make you enjoy a long-lost “kingdom of Sunbird deity”. 让您走进一个失落已久的“太阳神鸟王国”。
- South Arabian tribes may have arrived in Socotra as early as 1000 BC. 南阿拉伯部落,可能已抵达在索科特拉早在公元前1000年。
- Review: the sunbird is represents the Chinese civilization the typical mark. 点评:“太阳鸟”是代表中华文明的典型符号。
- In recent years the island has become more accessible with the advent of flights to Socotra. 近年来随著航班的增设,索科特拉岛的交通也愈来愈方便。
- The staff here know all about Svalbard, the Lofoten Islands, Socotra and Dhofar. 这里的工作人员甚至知道斯瓦尔巴特群岛、罗浮敦岛、索科特拉岛和佐法尔的一切事情。
- For passage between Socotra Island and the coast of Somalia, we stronglyrecommend all vessels not to take this route. 鉴于海盗攻击加剧,建议所有船舶除需靠泊索马里港口之外请至少保持航行在距索马里海岸200海里以外。
- In those days India had colonies, in Cambodia (Kambuja in Sanskrit) in Java, (Chavakam or Yava dwipa) in Sumatra, in Borneo, Socotra (Sukhadhara) and even in Japan. 在那些日子里,印度在高棉(即束埔寨),在爪哇,在苏门答腊岛,在婆罗洲,在索科特拉岛,甚至在日本都有殖民地(梵语里叫卡布加)。
- Socotra is the largest of an island group in the Arabian Sea, 380 km (238 miles) south of mainland Yemen and 80 km west of the Horn of Africa. 索科特拉是世界上最大的一个岛屿组在阿拉伯海,三百八十公里(238英里)以南的内地也门和80公里以西的非洲之角。
- This community group may wish to do formal releases of Seamonkey, much as the Sunbird and Minimo developers do. 这个社群群组也许会想要做一个正式的 Seamonkey 版本,就像 Sunbird 与 Minimo 开发者一样。
- Left in mid-ocean after the African and Arabian land masses split 20 million years ago, Socotra became a cradle of biodiversity rivalling the Galapagos and Mauritius. 留在洋中后,非洲和阿拉伯土地,人民群众的分裂二千万年前,索科特拉成为生物多样性的摇篮抗衡,加拉帕戈斯和毛里求斯。
- Socotra Archipelago is 250 kilometres, northwest of Indian ocean, near Aden bay;including 4 islands and 2 rock islands located on the expanding line of Afria angle. 位于印度洋西北部,靠近亚丁湾,长250公里,包括4座岛屿和2座位于非洲之角延长线上的小石岛。
- Reuters) - Yemen's remote Socotra islands, which harbour many unique species of birds and plants, may gain UNESCO recognition in July as a world natural heritage site. (路透社)-也门的索科特拉偏远离岛,其中海港许多独特的种鸟类和植物,可能获得联合国教科文组织承认在7月,作为世界自然遗产的网站。
- Is symbolizing bright and the warm sunbird the sky handsome flies from the bird nest, the large-scale theatrical performance opens. 一只象征着光明与温暖的太阳鸟从“鸟巢”上空翩翩飞来,大型文艺表演拉开帷幕。
- Or if you prefer to do your planning on computer instead of on paper, use a free application like Google calendar or Mozilla Sunbird. 如果你喜欢用电脑也行,你可以挑选在网上挑选一些免费的日程规划软件。很有用哦。