- Cut Tax Would Stimulate China Economy Development More! 观点:减税更能刺激中国经济增长!
- Talk about to open outward with my economy development. 论对外开放与我(省,地,市,县)的经济发展。
- Abstract: Circular economy is a tendency of economy development. 摘要:循环经济是未来经济发展的一种趋势。
- Mining industry is the mainstay of national economy development. 摘要矿业是国民经济发展的支柱。
- Most nation, nonsupport, new economy development mode, that do not. 多数国家;不支持;新经济发展模式;那就做不成了.
- These problem have affected city's society and economy development. 这些问题已影响到城市的社会、经济发展。
- Enter 21 centuries, our country economy develop fast. 进入21世纪,我国经济飞速发展。
- This contradicts the requirement of economy development and advance. 这与经济发展和社会进步对政府的要求相矛盾。
- Forecast of the around TungTing lake area economy development level. 环洞庭湖区经济发展水平预测。
- Energy saving is the key of economy development environmental protection. 节约能源是发展经济和保护环境的关键。
- It's said that the economy development driven by two strong horses and a neddy. 有人说中国经济的增长是由两匹骏马加一头烂驴拉动的。
- Institution arrangement is key consideration to economy development. 制度安排是影响经济发展的关键因素。
- Institution arrangement is a key consideration of economy development. 制度安排是影响经济发展的关键因素。
- The urbanization is an important question in economy development of China. 摘要城市化是我国经济发展中的重要问题。
- But the unbalance of regional economy development has existed all the way. 但一直以来区域经济发展不平衡依然存在。
- If the economy develops, we can accomplish anything. 先把经济搞上去,一切都好办。
- The circulation economy development needs the green science and technology innovation as the strut. 循环经济的发展需要绿色科技创新生态化作为支撑。
- From macroscopic aspect, this text discussed the function of information consult industry in economy development. 本文从宏观方面简要论述信息咨询业在经济发展中的作用。
- Pearl River Delta megalopolises are the group leader of economy development in the south China. 珠江三角洲城市群是南中国经济发展的“龙头”。
- The more rapidly the economy develops, the more our environment is threatened. 经济发展的速度越快,我们的环境受到的威胁越大