- Smith预估PID Smith prediction PID
- Smith预估 smith predictor
- Smith预估器 Smith predictor
- Smith预估控制 Smith predictive control
- Smith预估补偿 Smith estimating compensation
- PID PID(proportional-integral-derivative)
- Smith预估算法 Smith predictor
- 双PID double PID
- PID型 PID-type
- 前馈PID budget PID
- Smith预估补偿器 Smith predictor
- PID控制 PID control
- PID调节 PID control
- 免疫PID immune PID
- 月底报告和销售预估都需要报表资料。 The spreadsheet data is necessary for end of month reports and sales forecasting.
- Smith圆 Smith chart
- Smith法 Smith method
- 预估器 Controller of Smith
- 死区PID PID with dead zone
- 遗传PID Algorithm PID