- The microstructure and morphology of single polymer chain. 单个高分子链的结构和形态。
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Single Polymer Chain Interpenetrating into a Two-chain Condensed Coils 单分子链穿插进入双链凝聚线团的分子动力学方法模拟
- Single polymer chain 单链高分子
- Creep is the manifestation of polymer chain rearrangment under tensile load. 蠕变是在载荷作用下聚合物分子链重排的表现。
- Our research revealed that by introducing DPO group to the polymer chain, new polymer PKMOTb show more balanced carrier transmission compared with PMOTb, therefore we get lower threshold voltage in single layer device. 研究发现:在PKMOTb长链上引入了DPO基团,获得了相对PMOTb更为均衡的载流子传输能力,从而使单层器件得到更低的启动电压。
- The experimental results are explained in the view of the swelling of the polymer chain and percolation theory. 回应的重复稳定性受炭黑粒子分散行为的影响,从聚合物溶胀行为及逾渗导电理论解释了实验结果。
- Physical simulation experiment of displacement shows that alternative injection of polymer and alkali/surfactant has better effect than single polymer injection. 物理模拟驱油实验结果表明,聚合物与碱/表面活性剂交替注入驱油效果好于单独聚合物驱;
- The base-sequence code is transcribed by matching these DNA bases with RNA subunits, forming a long RNA polymer chain. 遗传密码根据DNA碱基与RNA碱基的配对原则而被转录,形成了一条长长的RNA聚合链。
- Clearly the principle requirement for a substance to be capable of forming a structural unit of a polymer chain is that it must be difunctional. 显然,对于能成为聚合物链结构单元的物质的基本要求是:它必须是双官能的。
- The length of the polymer chain is specified by the number of repeat units in the chain. This is called the degree of polymerization. 聚合物链的长度可以用链中重复单元数来表示,叫做聚合度。
- Forthermore, it has been obtained that the scaling behaviours of a starlike polymer are as same as a linear polymer chain. 同时还证明了星形链在亚浓溶液区具有与线形链相同的标度行为。
- The end-to-end distance distribution of a grafted compact polymer chain confined between two parallels is studied by using the PERM(pruned-enriched-Rosenbluth method)algorithm. 采用剪除增加Rosenbluth方法(Pruned-enriched-Rosenbluth method;PERM)算法计算了嫁接于平行板的受限紧密高分子链的末端距分布函数.
- Polyelectrolyte materials exhibit unique properties and important applications in industry, due to their having the characteristic structure of polymer chain and electrolyte. 摘要聚电解质材料兼有高分子长链和小分子电解质电离的双重结构特征。
- In this paper, the structure of PCS which contain the structure of polymer chain, average molecular weight, molecular weight distribution snd the structure of non-crystalline was studied in detail by means of ACC, IR, NMR, LLS, VPO, GPC, WAXS, RDF. 本文针对本室合成的PCS,应用光散射(LS)、凝胶色谱(GPC)、原子吸收光谱(ACC)、红外光谱(IR)、核磁共振波谱(NMR)、广角X射线散射(WAXS)和径向分布函数(RDF)分析测试手段,从PCS的高分子链近程结构,远程结构中的分子量以及分子量分布和非晶态短程有序结构方面进行分析,对PCS的结构有了一个系统全面的研究。
- The value CAC/CMC, ratio of the critical aggregation concentration (CAC) to the critical micelle concentration (CMC), decreases with the increase of the chain length and the interaction strength between the polymer chain and surfactant. 临界聚集浓度(CAC)与临界胶束浓度(CMC)的比值CAC/CMC随高分子链长的增大和相互吸引作用的增强而减小.
- Proton transport is controlled by both segmental motion of the polymer chains and hoping of protons. 通过构造新模型,研究了质子数等因素对质子在质子交换膜中输送过程的影响。
- Borax is a cross linker.The borax links together the polymer chains in the glue. 硼砂是一种交链剂,它将白胶内的聚合链连结在一起。
- The results showed that chloric substituent in polymer chains prevented the chains from further chlorination. 结果表明,大分子链上的氯取代基对分子链进一步氯化起阻碍作用;
- Analysing in the view of molecular kinetic theory, paste flowability is a shift of molecular mass center by the jump of polymer chain segment, and it affects the mass-transfer directly. 从分子运动角度分析,糊料流动是高聚物大分子链段协同“跳跃”而实现整个分子质量中心位移,对传质具有直接影响。
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。