- Silent是的变位词。 'Silent' is an anagram of 'listen'.
- “Silent” 是 “listen” 的变位词。 'Silent' is an anagram of 'listen'.
- 变位词是通过重新排列单词或短语的字母而得到的单词或短语。 An anagram is a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
- A是的。我的妻子现在回伦敦了。她将带她的妈妈和她一起来北京。 A Yes. My wife is back in London just now. She's bringing her mother with her to Beijing for a visit.
- 变位词 anagram
- 嗨,本来是的,但他们改时间了。你知道明天晚上这部电影是不是还在放映? Mike: Well, it was supposed to be, but they changed the day. Do you know if the movie will still be playing tomorrow?
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。 With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 同位词 apposition
- 从注册机复制产品密匙到Norton安装是的输入框。然后点击我同意按钮。 Copy the Product Key from the keygen to the Norton Setup then press the I Agree button.
- 二滩拱坝初次蓄水的变位监测反分析 Back Analysis of Displacement Monitoring Results During Ertan Arch Dam Fist Impoundment
- 不是的,它是全民族的统一战线,两个党仅是这个统一战线中的一部分。 No,it should be a united front of the whole nation,with the two parties forming only a part of it.
- 派生次位词 derived secondary word
- 等于这个老师是的社会正义、社会责任感。对这种现象志愿者的这种方式。 He did it out the social responsibility for justice. So he organized volunteers to submit petitions to the government.
- 首位词的词缀 primary affix
- 转差频率控制的变压变频调速器在电梯系统改造中的应用 The Application of Spin-Difference Frequency Controller in the Improvement of Elevator System
- 坦率地讲,我不是真正喜欢你,我容你的来访,只是因为你是的我女儿的朋友。 Not to mince words, I don't really like you and tolerate your presence only because you're my daughter's friend.
- 南北宋之间几位词论家的词学观 Different Opinions of Ci Critics During South and North Song Dynasties
- 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮的变位修正与变位齿轮加工 The correction of involute spur gear and the manufacture of modified gear
- “这是的,彼得”,他说着,在一个刻花玻璃杯中给我斟了满满一杯苏格兰威士忌酒。 "It is, Peter," he said, pouring me a massive Scotch in a cut-glass tumbler.
- 变位计 displacement meter