- SiO2掺杂Cr2O3 Cr2O3-doped SiO2
- SiO2掺杂 SiO2 additive
- Cr2O3涂层 Cr2O3 coating
- Cr2O3含量 Cr2O3 content
- 纳米Cr2O3 Cr2O3 nano-powders
- Cr/Cr2O3膜 Cr/Cr2O3 film
- Cr掺杂SiO2 Cr-doped silica
- Cr2O3弥散铜 Cr2O3 dispersion strengthened copper
- Cr2O3陶瓷涂层 Cr2O3 ceramic coatings
- 掺杂SiO2玻璃 glass
- 离子注入掺杂工艺 ion implantation technique
- BaO-CaO-CaF2-Cr2O3渣系 BaO-CaO-CaF2 - Cr2O3slag system
- SiO2 silicon dioxide
- 半导体核嬗变掺杂 nuclear transmutation doping of semiconductor
- SiO2膜 SiO2 film
- 本底掺杂 background doping
- Ag/SiO2 Ag/SiO2
- 在语言中掺杂俚语 to adulterate a language with slang
- 结果表明,Stellite 12合金表面形成以Cr2O3为主的氧化膜,并发生明显剥落; For stellite 12 alloy,the oxides scale mainly consisted of Cr2O3,and some of them scaled off the alloy.
- 其他物质掺杂的结果。 the adulterating effect of extraneous materials.