- SiCp/Mg复合材料 SiC9/Mg composites
- C/Mg复合材料 C/Mg composite
- SiO2/Al-Mg复合材料 SiO2/Al-Mg composites
- 探讨了这种复合材料抗压强度和摩擦磨损性能特点。 指出Si3N4/Al复合材料,Si3N4/Mg复合材料抗磨擦性能明显优于基体,抗拉强度大大高于基体。 A light chemical reaction in the SijN4/Al, Si3N4/Mg interface made the infiltration to be succeeded. The properties of composites,such as compressive strength and wear-resistance,excel greatly the matrix.
- 本文还采用PWC-250压铸机,在实验室成功制备了高性能的Mg_2Si/Mg复合材料压铸件。 其拉伸性能比铸造件的提高20MPa以上。 The high properties of Mg2Si/Mg composite are fabricated by using the die-casting machine PWC-250. The strength of the Mg2Si/Mg composites is 20MPa higher than the as-cast composites.
- SiCp/Al SiCp/A1
- SiCp/Mg SiCp/Mg composites
- Mg mag-nesium
- SiCp/Al SiCp/Al
- Ti-Mg Ti - Mg
- 无机复合材料 inorganic composite
- Cu-Mg Cu-Mg
- 复合材料结构 structure of composite material
- MG-Ag MG-Ag
- Mg盐 Mg salt
- 速度和压力对SiCp增强铝基复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响 Influences of Velocity and Pressure on the Tribological Properties of SiCp Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites
- Mg-Li Mg-Li
- 航天复合材料 aerospace composite
- Mg/K Mg/K
- Mg掺杂 Mg-doped