- She's an etiolated girl. 她是个受宠爱而身体虚弱的女孩子。
- She' s an excellent administrator. 她是个优秀的管理人员.
- She' s an antique, a used-car, etc dealer. 她是经营古董、 旧车等的商人.
- She"s an underhand little thing: I never saw a girl of her age with so much cover. 这小东西真狡猾,从来没见过像她这样年纪的小姑娘,有那么多鬼心眼的。”
- Our manager' s an easygoing person ; she never gets angry. 我们的经理是个随和的人,她从不发怒。
- Now that she' s an air hostess, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her. 她当上了空中小姐; 到国外旅行对她已失去吸引力.
- He 's an army sergeant. He needs a loud voice . 他是个好军人。 他需要有大嗓门。
- Her father' s an electrician by trade. 她父亲是当电工的。
- There' s an error in your calculation. 你计算中有个错误。
- It' s an important guide to the study of science. 它是学科学的重要指导。
- There s an nterestng flm on Channel one. 在一频道有一部有趣的电影。
- If it’s an action scene we use something tenser. 如果它的行动现场,我们使用的东西上紧发条。
- It’s an innovation point to combine ABC and VBM. 将作业成本法和价值理论结合起来讨论是本文的创新点。
- There’s an outhouse in the woods. 原来老外也有茅厕这种说法。。。。。。
- It’s an alleyway next to Sunset Street. (这里是日落大街附近的小巷。)
- Online gossip has it that it’s an airbrushed hip. 网络上盛传她的臀部是经过“修饰”的。
- That's an etiolated society. 那是个毫无生气的社会。
- This woman' s an inspiration to all of us, ie is so excellent that she inspires us. 这一女子就是鼓舞我们大家的人.
- She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen. 她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。