- LL: Kelsey told me she hasn"t actually started her job yet, and she had her interview in a coffee shop. 嗯,在咖啡厅里面谈,这也不奇怪啊,很多公司觉得在办公室外面谈比较放松一些嘛。
- Klara Behrens knows she hasn’t got much longer to live. 有人曾送过一张鸽子群飞翔的照片给我,其实是我要他送的。
- She hasn’t started writing her thesis, not knowing where to begin from sheer embarrass de richesse. 她尚未开始写论文,只因材料太多不知该从何处下笔。
- Neo - You haven""t answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题。
- Just like any new singer, Adele likes being famous, but she hasn’t learned how to deal with some problems in show biz. 就像任何新的歌手,被著名的阿黛勒喜欢,但她还没有学会如何处理一些问题,表明商业。
- Time's up-have you worked out the answer yet? 时间到了,你得出答案了没有?
- Though she hasn't developed a stoney glare, her combat skills will freeze even the strongest of fighters in submission. 她虽然没有石化视线,但她的战斗技巧甚至会使最强大的战士屈服。
- Did you find the answer yet Carole? 1个人觉得这很有帮助。
- Don' t answer ( me ) back ; it' s not polite. 不要跟我顶嘴,这是不礼貌的。
- She hasn't answered yet. 她尚未作出回答。
- It' s wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she can' t answer back. 新闻界发表文章抨击女王是不对的; 因为她不能辩白.
- You can’t answer the question which he pur forward. 你们回答不了他所提出的问题!。
- But that question was not answerable yet. 不过这个问题还无法答复。
- WWF has called on EPD to release a summary of the submissions but not received an answer yet. 本会已要求环保署公布所收到的公众谘询意见的概要,但至今仍未收到回覆。
- If you don’t answer when I knock, I try the door. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in. 当我敲你们家门你不答应时,我就会从门口进去了。偶尔,我会中头彩而直接堂而皇之地进去。
- Theirs are not organised the way I would do it, and they don%26amp;#8217;t answer some of the questions I have (or had) as complete newbie. 他们的没有以我作的方式来安排内容,并且他们没有回答我是一个完全彻底的初学者的时候的一些问题。
- There is no answer yet. 目前还没有答案。
- She answered without a moment's hesitation. 她毫不迟疑立即回答。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She didn't attend to what I was saying. 她对我所说的话未加注意。