- Seven Islands Thrush n. 七岛鸫
- Malta is a small and densely populated island nation comprising an archipelago(群岛)of seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea. 位于地中海上的马耳他人口稠密,是由七个岛屿构成的群岛小国。
- The seven islands of the Northern cook are all atolls, with poor soil, and eight islands of the Southern cook are all vdcanic islands, which are fertile. 北部7个岛为地势平坦的珊瑚岛,南部8个岛为隆起的火山岛,土地肥沃。
- Pirates used to maroon people on desert islands. 海盗过去惯常把人们遗弃在荒岛。
- Lockup regularly occurs at seven o'clock. 夜间关门时间通常是在七点钟。
- She has as many as seven sisters. 她的姊妹有七人之多。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。
- She won two third places in the seven events. 她在七项比赛中得了两个第三名。
- There are seven continents in the world. 世界上有七大洲。
- The baby weighed seven pounds at birth. 那婴儿出生时重七磅。
- I'd buy an island if I had lots and lots of money. 果真我有许多许多钱,我就买一个小岛。
- The dinner consists of seven courses. 晚饭有七道菜。
- Nobody has ever set foot on that island. 没有人曾经登上过那个岛屿。
- Is it possible to unify such scattered islands into a nation? 有可能把这样一些散落在大海上的岛屿统一成一个国家吗?
- He sailed the boat between the islands. 他驾驶著船在两岛之间航行。
- Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight. 7乘4等于28。
- A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon. 一环小岛围绕著礁湖。
- He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents. 他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。
- This island is no longer a dependency of the USA. 这个小岛不再是美国的属地。
- Wales is in the southwest of the British Island. 威尔士在大不列颠岛的西南部。