- Saudi Arabian Glass Company Ltd. 沙特玻璃公司。
- I want to open a shop in the Saudi Arabian market at once. 我想立刻在沙特阿拉伯的市场里开家店。
- The moon rises through hazy clouds over the dunes of the Saudi Arabian desert. 译文:月亮图片集。月亮升起越过朦胧的烟云在沙特阿拉伯沙漠的沙丘上面。
- Saudi Arabian oil minister who was a central figure in the founding of OPEC(1960). 亚玛尼,艾哈迈德·札吉生于1930沙特阿拉伯石油部长,是建立石油输出国组织(1340年)的中心人物
- Therefore, please could you desist from showing any forwarders's name and address as consignees for any Saudi Arabian consignment. 因此对于任何运往沙特阿拉伯的货物,请停止显示货运代理的名称和地址。
- Ms. Rice flies to Jeddah late Saturday for the inaugural meeting of the U. S.- Saudi Arabian strategic dialogue. 美国国务卿赖斯星期六晚些时候飞往吉达,出席美国与沙特阿拉伯战略对话的首次会议。
- Osama bin Laden was a quiet and shy pupil, a British teacher who taught him English at an elite Saudi Arabian school was quoted. 一位曾在沙特阿拉伯精英学校教过本-拉登的英国老师说,拉登小时侯是一个安静的、非常害羞的小学生。
- Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands. 库尔德人和土耳其人,巴格达的什叶派和沙特阿拉伯的瓦哈比派已经在此消除了困扰他们国家的教派纷争。
- In the trading week that ended on May 11th, the Saudi Arabian market shed a fifth of its value. 在5月11日结束的交易周里,沙特阿拉伯的市场价值贬值了五分之一。
- Yemenia is 51% owned by the Yemeni government and 49% by the Saudi Arabian government. 也门航空公司51%25的股权为也门政府持有,另外49%25股权属于沙特阿拉伯政府。
- The Pentagon is charging a Saudi Arabian man with organizing and directing the bombing of the USS Cole. 五角大楼指控一沙特阿拉伯男子。他组织和策划“科尔”号战舰的爆炸。
- Saudi Arabian's Petroleum Economical Nationalism was one concrete manifestation of the nationalism. 沙特石油经济民族主义是民族主义的一种具体表现形式。
- Due to the high level of secrecy of the Saudi Arabian justice system, trials are invariably held behind closed doors. 由于沙国司法体系极高的隐密性,审判总是不对外公开的。
- Osama bin Laden was a quiet and shy pupil,a British teacher who taught him English at an elite Saudi Arabian school was quoted. 一位曾在沙特阿拉伯精英学校教过本-拉登的英国老师说,拉登小时侯是一个安静的、非常害羞的小学生。
- Benchmark price; marker price [oil] The reference price used by OPEC for oil price changes, based on the price of Saudi Arabian light crude oil. 基准价格[石油]石油输出国组织在改变石油价格时所使用的参数价格,其基础是沙特阿拉伯轻原油价格。
- Marker price; benchmark price [oil] The reference price used by OPEC for oil price changes, based on the price of Saudi Arabian light crude oil. 基准价格[石油]石油输出国组织在改变石油价格时所使用的参考价格,以沙特阿拉伯轻原油价格为基础。
- The exporter has to decide whether it wishes to be considered as Registered or Licensed by the "Saudi Arabian Standards Organization" (SASO). 出口商必须要认定货物是否被SASO组织认可为注册或认证过。
- Saudi Arabian supertanker, the Sirius Star, was seized by Somali pirates about 450 nautical miles off the Kenyan coast on November 15th. 11月15日,沙特阿拉伯的“天狼星”号巨型油轮在距肯尼亚海岸450海里的地方被索马里海盗劫持。
- The Saudi Arabian authorities regularly hold detainees incommunicado, at which time they are at risk of being tortured and otherwise ill-treated. 沙乌地阿拉伯当局时常将被拘留者隔离监禁,在这段期间他们有被刑求虐待的危险。
- If shown it will likely end up in fine by the Saudi Arabian Authorities, and certainly the fine will be for the account of original port. 一旦显示了,结果就会遭到沙特阿拉伯当局的罚款,当然该比罚款将由装运港承担。