- After comparing with the sample validation of sand replacement method, result shows that the Rayleigh has good effect on the checking of density of roadbed. 而地质雷达能定性检测路基碾压质量,它检测周期短、效率高、成本低,可进行大范围、全程性路基检测。
- Inserts a replacement method that demonstrates how to use the tag_name attribute or REPLACEMENT_METHOD_ENTRY macro. 插入阐释如何使用tag_name属性或REPLACEMENT_METHOD_ENTRY宏的替换方法。
- Attribute. Parse replacement tag parameters and handle them in a replacement method. 分析替换标记参数并在替换方法中处理这些参数。
- Therefore, as a valid replacement method of the open digs, modern trenchless technology will face a enormous development opportunity. 因此,作为明挖作业的有效替换方式,现代非开挖技术将面临巨大的发展机遇。
- Objective To investigate if tracheal carina replacement method can be adopted in clinical practice. 目的 探讨更具临床应用价值的气管隆突替代手术。
- DBM were put into PBS solution and tested its degradable rate and porosity dy liquid replacement method. 将DBM置于PBS液中测定其降解率;
- The design of replacement underlayer thickness is crucial to the replacement method of ground treatment. 换土垫层厚度设计是换填法地基处理设计的关键。
- Associate replacement methods with replacement tags using the. 属性将替换方法与替换标记相关联。
- The settlement monitoring results show that this tabia replacement method is practical for ground treatment. 结果表明,使用三合土换填处理地基是一种实用且经济的地基处理方法。
- Replacement Method and effects of 4# tower wall in low pressure spiral wet gasholder without intermission are introduced and analyzed. 介绍和分析了在不停运的情况下,整体更换低压螺旋湿式柜4%23塔壁的方法和效果。
- The high temperature parameters of the material were estimated by linear interpolation method,equivalent replacement method etc. 通过线性插值、等效代换等方式估计材料高温参数,模拟材料状态变化。
- Test method for soil density by the sand replacement method 以沙置换测量法测量土壤密度方法
- Unique top-open bag replacing method for easy and quick maintenance. 特殊的顶部揭盖换袋方式,使换袋维修更为方便,快捷。
- This paper presents a quick measuring method for bridge culvert structures' ground bearing capacity and soil replacement method for ground strengthening when the bearing capacity cannot meet the design requirements. 摘要介绍公路工程建设中桥涵结构物基础承载力的快速测定方法以及在承载力不能满足设计要求情况下的换填处理。
- In this article, technical transformation in Longxin Mining Company adopted CIP process instead of All-sliming cyanidation-Zinc dust replacement method, fracture breccia ores are treated, and good technical economic indexes have been attained. 摘要龙鑫矿业公司通过技术改造,采用炭浆法代替原有全泥氰化-锌粉置换工艺,处理破碎角砾矿石,取得了良好的技术指标和显著经济效益。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。
- Methods\ Dynamic simulation models of complex structure joints are established via equivalent simulation or equivalent replacement methods. 方法通过当量模拟或等效置换建立复杂结构结合部动力学仿真模型。