- STR位点 locus
- 大骨节病患者12号染色体6个STR位点基因频率分析 Analysis of allele frequencies of 6 short tandem repeat loci on chromosome 12 in patients with Kashing-Beck disease
- 宁夏地区回族和汉族人群4个STR位点的遗传多态性分析 Genetic polymorphism of 4 STR loci in Hui and Han population in Ningxia
- 用基因扫描技术对新疆维吾尔族4个STR位点遗传多态性的分析 Analyses on Genetic Polymorphism of 4 STR Loci in Xinjiang Uygur Population by Genescan Technique
- 目的 探讨 DCC基因 STR位点多态性与动脉粥样硬化遗传易感性之间的关系 . AIM To study the relationship between genetic polymorphisms of DCC gene STR in Shaanxi people and its possible association with the susceptibility of atherosclerosis.
- 复合扩增STR位点的DNA分型技术在异基因造血干细胞移植植活证据的研究进展及其应用 Research Development and the Application of Using STR-PCR for the DNA Typing and the Confirmation of the Heterogeneous Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
- 结果显示该10个STR位点的非父排除率(PE)为99.7287%、个体识别力(DP)为99.9991%。 Cumulate DP of ten STR loci is 99.9991%25,Cumulate PE of ten STR loci is 99.7287%25.
- 刀位点 cutter location point
- 湖北汉族群体9个STR位点遗传多态性分析 Analysis of Genetic Polymorphisms of Nine STR Loci in Hubei Han Population
- 跑位点 running point
- tk位点 tk locus
- 浙南汉族人群18号染色体上三个STR位点的遗传多态性研究 Genetic polymorphism of 3 STR loci on chromosome 18 in Wenzhou Han population.
- 利用热诱导的位点专一性重组系统在烟草中控制基因表达 Gene Expression Controlled by Heat-Inducible Site-Specific Recombination in Tobacco
- 抗原位点B antigenic site B
- 抗原位点C antigenic site C
- 增效位点 effect-increasing loci
- 杂合位点 hybrid site
- 位点开发 isolation of microsatellite loci
- 方法:选择9个STR位点(D3S1358,vWA,FGA,TH01,TPOX,CSF1PO,D5S818,D13S317,D7S820),采用复合扩增及荧光标记基因扫描技术,检测90名鄂温克族无关个体血液样本。 Methods Genetic distribution for 9 STR loci (D3S1358,vWA, FGA,TH01, TPOX,CSF1PO,D5S818,D13S317, and D7S820) were determined based on gene scan marked by fluorescence.