- STL切片 STL slice
- STL切片数据的双弧曲线拟合算法 Arithmetic of biarc curve fitting for STL slice datum
- CT切片重构的STL模型与CAD模型之间的误差彩色云图显示 Error's colored nephogram display between STL model restructed from CT slices and CAD model
- STL模型切片 STL slice
- 切片,砍 To slice or cut.
- 基于共享内存的STL容器分配器设计及实现 Design and application of a STL allocator in shared memory
- 肥皂切片[条]机 soap slabber (=soap slab cutter)
- 快速成形中STL模型的自动修复方法与软件研究 Study on Method and Software System for Automatic Correction of STL Model in Rapid Prototyping
- 正中切面[切片] the median section
- 医生们给木乃伊做了切片送到实验室。 The doctors removed a section of the mummy and set it to a laboratory.
- STL文件 STL file
- 包住样品作切片用显微镜检验前用支撑材料包裹(样品) To enclose(a specimen) in a supporting material before sectioning for microscopic examination.
- STL模型 STL model
- 鱼的纵切片 a longitudinal slice of a fish
- STL格式 STL format
- STL数据 STL data
- Web切片 Web slicing
- 把该切片的表面用沙纸擦光。 The surface of the slice is smoothed by sanding.
- STL样本 STL phantom
- STL有界 STL-bounded set