- SSL协议栈 SSL protocol stack
- MatrixSSL是针对小型应用程序和设备设计的嵌入式、开放源码SSL协议栈,通过它可在嵌入式环境中实现可订制的嵌入式SSL安全解决方案。 MatrixSSL is an embedded SSL implementation andopen- source software package designed for small footprint appli-cations and devices, through it we can realize the flexible em-bedded ssl secure solutions in the embedded system.
- 协议 pact
- 协议栈 protocol stack
- SSL协议在数据库系统安全中的应用研究 The Research on the Application of SSL Protocol in Database System Security
- OpenH323是一个开放源码的VoIP(VoiceoverIP)协议栈,支持H. OpenH323 is an open source VoIP(Voice over IP)protocol stack.
- 基于ssl协议的网上证券交易系统的安全方案 A Security Scheme of On-line Negotiable Securities Transaction System based on SSL Protocol
- 4) 针对目前开源协议栈LwIP进行了详细分析,并利用UML描述了TCP协议实现。 4) Aiming at the detailed analyzing of present open-source protocol stack LwIP,the thesis describes the implemention of TCP protocol based UML.
- 针对SSL协议安全隐患与工作效率的优化方案 Optimizations for SSL to Ensure Security & Efficiency
- android平台为移动设备提供了一个软件协议栈,包括操作系统、中间件和关键应用。 The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications
- SSL协议 SSL protocol
- 为SSL协议加上数字签名 Add the Digital Signature to SSL Protocol
- 双协议栈 dual stack
- TCP/IP协议栈 TCP/IP protocol stack
- 安全套接层SSL协议是实现电子商务安全交易的关键技术之一。 SSL protocol is one of key technologies of realizing secure trade in EC(Electronic Commerce).
- EPA协议栈 EPA Protocol
- SSL协议及其应用 Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) Protocol and its Application
- IP协议栈 IP protocol stack
- SSL协议安全缺陷分析 The Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities of SSL Protocol
- SIP协议栈 SIP Protocol Stack