- SO2排放指标 SO2 emission allowance
- 工业SO2排放 industry SO2 emissions
- 人均排放指标 per capita indicator
- SO2排放 SO2 emission
- 指标 index
- SO2排放控制 SO2 emission control
- 可以看出,CA6102B1单点喷射发动机的动力性、经济性均优于原机,通过装EGR装置排放指标能满足北京市地方环境标准。 It is observed that power performance and economy per-formance of CA6102B1 are better than the old one, and exhaust emissions meet requirement of the local environmental stan-dard of Beiing with the EGR system equipped.
- 技术指标 technical target
- 性能指标 performance index
- 财务指标 financial target
- 旧街道的中央有一条沟渠来排放雨水。 There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
- 评价指标 evaluating indicator
- 质量指标 QI
- 排放管废物被放出时所经过的管道 A duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted.
- SO2 sulfur dioxide
- 经济指标 economic indicator
- 意外排放 incidental emission
- 机外排放 overboard drain
- 指标体系 index system
- “两控区”工业废气排放及处理情况 Waste Gas Emission and Abatement in Controlled Zones for Acid Rain and Sulfur Dioxide